THE MYSTERY OF BELICENA VILLCA / EDITION 2022 2022 / Official English Version | Page 151

The Mistery of Belicena Villca of the Torah was wrapped around a stick called Es Chajim , that is , the Tree of Life , which was topped at each end by two carved pomegranates . And the eightfold candelabrum , Chanukah , has a pomegranate crowning each arm , in those that shines Yod , the Eye of YHVH . The sevenfold candelabrum , for its part , Menorah , has seven Almond Blossom chalices , which recall the institution of the Priesthood of Aaron , when the rod of Almond supplied by Moses , blossomed : “ And it came to pass that when the next day Moses entered the tent of testimony , the rod of Aaron , that of the House of Levi , had put out shoots and flowers , and had produced almonds ” [ Numbers , 17,23 ]. To perpetuate the memory of this miracle , says YHVH : “ You will make a lampstand of pure gold , both its base and its stem . Its calyxes , its buds and its flowers will form a body with it . Six arms will come out from its sides , three arms from one side of the candelabrum and three arms on the other . Three chalices as a Flower of Almond Tree will have the first arm , with its buds and its flowers ; equally the second ; etc ." [ Exodus , 25,31 ]. And , according to the vision of the Prophet Zechariah , " These seven lamps are the Eyes of YHVH that travel all over the Earth " [ Zechariah , 4.10 ], that is to say , a representation of the Shekhinah .
The Cults of Rus Baal , the ancient of Baal Tammuz Adonis , practiced by the Hebrew Priests , and that of Baal Moloch , officiated by the Golen , were interpreted by the Romans as forms of worship to Kronos-Saturn , a God equivalent to Jehovah-Adonai or Rimmon-Attis-Adonis-Dionysus . Since the third century B . C ., the Priests of the Cultural Pact , which proliferated in Rome , dedicate Rus Baal to the Cult of Proserpina or Persephone , the infernal lover of Adonis ; At the same time , and at a short distance , the Lords of Tharsis consecrate to the Cult of Vesta , the Fire Goddess of the Hearth , behind whom they hide their conception of the Cold Fire Cult . The two opposing Cults , that of the Cold Fire of Vesta from Tharsis , and that of the Warm Fire of Proserpina from Palos , develop simultaneously without either trying to outdo the other . And it is worth repeating that that version of Proserpina was equivalent to a late Persephone , closer to the Great Mother Cybele Binah than to the ancient Persephone , or Frya , Navutan ' s Wife .
In the 2nd century A . D ., always furtively , Bera and Birsha arrive in Huelva ; but this time they do not attack the House of Tharsis but go to Rus Baal , “ to supervise the Cult of Proserpina on behalf of Melchizedek ”, a Supreme Priest of the White Fraternity . After the departure of the Immortals , the Temple of the Palos region begins to gain fame for the miracles performed by the Goddess , the main of which consists of the cure of hydrophobia : from all regions of the peninsula , and even overseas , those bitten or infected by dog bites would then come to regain lost health . Only now , when they heard Birsha say " against the dogs , the illusion of rage ”, understood the four Priests that those ancient miracles were related to the powers of Bera and Birsha .
A century later , in the year 159 , the missionary Ciriaco converts the Cult of Rus Baal in Christian for the simple process of identifying Proserpina with the Virgin Mary , called from then on " Nuestra Señora de la Rábida ", since the Goddess continued to cure hydrophobia ( rabies ). But then , as Mary " Mother of God ”, Proserpina-Persephone was already the finished image of the Great Hebrew Mother Binah . The name " de la Rábida " was thus five hundred years prior to the denomination , Rapta or Rápita with which the Arabs indicated the hermitage built in Rus Baal , on the foundations of the old Chapel of Nuestra Señora de la Rábida . With the Reconquest completed , the hermitage initially passed into the hands of the solitary monks of Saint Francis , who built the Convent with their current dimensions , but was soon granted by the Pope to the Templars , who occupied it until the dissolution of their Order . Bishop Saint Macarius , to celebrate the liberation of the Convent , made a donation to the soldier Constantine Daniel of a sculpture that tradition attributed to the Apostle Saint Luke and that represented the Virgin Mary .
In the moment that I am evoking , when the Immortals Bera and Birsha were gathered with the four Priests in the Castle of Aracena , that sculpture was still in the Rábida Convent , in Rus Baal , in front of the region of Palos .