THE MYSTERY OF BELICENA VILLCA / EDITION 2022 2022 / Official English Version | Page 150

The Mistery of Belicena Villca
In Phrygia , the Golen officiated as Priests of Cybele and adopted the practice of ritual sodomy , a vice that still subsists in the higher degrees of the Masonry by Them created . The Phrygian Myth of Adonis-Adonai was that of Attis , in whose Cult the Golen would develop a fundamental leading role . There the Great Mother Binah was called Cybele , Goddess who fostered scandalous orgies and demanded that her " Priests of the Dog " be eunuchs : in the course of the Cult it was common that , driven by orgiastic frenzy , many participants castrated voluntarily , like the Attis Archetype , later integrating , if survived the mutilation , the court of sodomites who worshiped and served the Goddess .
According to the Phrygian legend , Cybele was worshiped as the Stone of Fire ; eager to copulate with Her , Zeus-Chokhmah deposits His semen on the Stone , an act that leaves the Goddess pregnant . Thus Agdistis was born , a hermaphroditic being who Dionysus-Jehovah intoxicates and castrates , in order to individualize the sex . Agdistis ' s wound gushes out abundant blood , which transforms into the Pomegranate Tree , which is why Attis , as well as Adonis , was called Rimmon , Pomegranate . However , the mutilated phallus of Agdistis , thrown on Earth , transforms itself into the Almond Tree , a member of the family of roses . A pomegranate , fruit of the Agdistis Pomegranate , leaves Nana , daughter of the God River Sangarios , pregnant . From that pregnancy Attis is born , a Beautiful God similar to Adonis ; and as for Adonis , for Attis will also fight the Great Mother Binah and the Goddess of the Warm Fire in the Heart , Tiferet : Agdistis , now turned into a woman , falls in love with Attis as well as Cybele , with whom she must dispute the favors of the Beautiful God . Evidently Attis is a Phrygian Adonis , a representative of the Beauty of YHVH in the Heart , claimed at the same time by the Great Mother Binah-Cybele and by Tiferet Agdistis-Aphrodite .
But the Phrygian Myth contains more details . Attis , driven mad by Agdistis , castrates and dies , as a result of the mutilation , during the Cult of Cybele . The Goddess buries him and plants an Almond Tree on his grave . Attis was thus a eunuch and a sodomite , marked by the symbols of the Pomegranate and the Almond tree , which clearly proves that the origin of the Myth is Hebrew . Remember , Dr . Siegnagel , on the other hand , that the Jacobins who produced the French Revolution , whose Chiefs were Jews and Golen , identified with the Phrygian cap , that is , with the cap of the Priests of Phrygia , which is shaped like a cut foreskin to indicate the sodomite character of the Priests of the Great Mother Cybele-Binah , the " Goddess Reason " of the encyclopedists .
It should not be surprising , at this point , that Dionysus Sebacio , a God of Barley as Jehovah , castrated Agdistis after intoxicating him with barley wine . Jehovah had sanctified the Sabbath , a day , throughout the Mediterranean , devoted to the Cult of Saturn and to which it was dedicated the Pomegranate Tree . Saul , the first King of Israel , consecrated the Kingdom , Malkuth , to the Pomegranate that represented YHVH . Dionysus , the one with the bull ' s feet and laced boots , was a crippled God , just like the Minotaur , and as crippled was the Dance of the Labyrinth that the male partridges danced , and still dance . This Dance was performed by the Hebrew Priests of Baal Tammuz Adonis in time of Elijah , 9th century B . C .: “ The Priests took the bull that was brought to them and , after preparing it , they were invoking the Name of Baal Tammuz Adonis from morning until noon , saying : Baal , answer us ! But there was neither Voice nor Response . Meanwhile , they danced limping next to the Altar they had made ” [ I Kings , 18 , 26 ]. The Hebrew word Pesach , which designates Passover , precisely means " limping dance ”, because that party was one and the same as that of Baal Adonis , the God Rimmon who had been killed by a Wild Boar : this identity is the origin of the Hebrew prohibition of eating pork on Saturdays . Besides , the Levitical tradition decreed that the Paschal lamb , the victim of the holocaust of the Easter , was served on a Pomegranate wood platter .
The pomegranate was the only fruit that could be brought into the Sancta Sanctorum and the Supreme Priest , making his annual entrance into the Temple , wore small pomegranate-shaped tassels sewn onto his ephod . The roll