THE MYSTERY OF BELICENA VILLCA / EDITION 2022 2022 / Official English Version | Page 149

The Mistery of Belicena Villca the Path to the Exit of the Labyrinth . In the Cretan Myth , the inventor of the Mystery of the Labyrinth is Daedalus-Navutan , and who cuts the path to the Exit , is the Minotaur , a being half man , half bull . But the God who also had bull ' s feet , was Dionysus , a defect that forced him to wear laced boots or cothurnus ; and Dionysus , the God of Wine , was classically assimilated to Jehovah by the ancient Hebrews , who saw in both the God of Barley . A circle is thus closed , drawn by the Priests of the Cultural Pact in which they are united , in different times and places , the representations of Kronos , Saturn , Jehovah , Dionysus Sebacio , and the Minotaur or Guardian of the Exit .
Finally , I will say that already in the time of the Prophet Amos , 8th century B . C ., the identity of Jehovah and Saturn was established ; and accepted by Priests : “ You have carried to the Sanctuary , Siccuth , Saturn , the idol of Your God ; but I will deport you beyond Damascus – said YHVH , whose name is Adonai Sebaoth ” [ Amos 5,26 ]. But the situation did not change after the Captivity , since in the Time of the Prophet Ezekiel , 6th century B . C ., Jehovah or Tammuz Adonis , that is , Adonai , was worshiped indistinctly : “ Then he led me to the entrance of the door of the Temple of YHVH that looks to the North , and I saw that there were some women sitting there crying the death of Adonis ( Rimmon ) Tammuz ” [ Ezekiel , VIII , 14 ].
Twenty-Ninth Day
To understand now why the Cult of Proserpina was in Rus Baal , we have to go far ahead in historical time , and reach an Age in which the Priests of the Cultural Pact had managed to deeply confuse the individual characteristics of Demeter-Ama and Persephone-Frya , who were referred to simply as " the Goddesses ". The purpose of the Priests was to replace the Hyperborean Atlantean Goddesses with the image of the Great Mother Binah , one of the Aspects of YHVH , the One Creator . It is here that the origin of the Myth of Adonis , Greek Name of Adonai the Lord YHVH , is to be found . According to the Greek Myth , the mother was Myrrha , whom the Gods turned into a Tree when she was pregnant with Adonis ; Myrrha , the same vegetable that one of the Magi from the East , sent from the White Fraternity , gave to the child Jesus . At ten months , the Myrrh Tree gives birth and Adonis is born , a boy who represents beauty , which is but a symbolic way of saying that Tiferet , the Beauty in YHVH ' s Heart , one of his Ten Aspects , is born from the Pomegranate Tree . The Myth continues stating that Aphrodite , the Goddess of the Fire of Love , that is , the Archetype of the Hot Fire in the Heart , falls in love with the child and entrusts him to Persephone- Proserpina for his care . We already have present , then , the Great Mother Binah , YHVH ' s " intelligence " Aspect . The two Goddesses , Aphrodite and Persephone , end up rivaling for the love of Adonis-Adonai , which means that in the animal man or common man , image of Adam , it is normal that they come into conflict , the Hot Fire in the Heart , Tiferet , and the Intelligence that infuses Binah in the Brain . This ambivalence is seen in the irresolution of the Myth : Adonis-Adonai must be content to alternately remain with each of the Goddesses , although the pre-eminence that the Priests grant to the Heart as seat of the Soul , wanted the Beautiful God to “ spend more time with Aphrodite than with Persephone ”. The heart is linked to the symbol of the rose , and this is how the death of Adonis-Adonai brings to the world the red roses , born from the drops of blood from his wound : it is Artemis , the Bear Goddess , who causes a boar to mortally wound the God . The opposition between the Wild Boar , one of the Manifestations of Vishnu , and the Bear , is a classic theme of the Hyperborean Wisdom . I ' ll just say here that the Boar is related to the Mystery of the Golen , as seen during the murder of the Vrayas of Tharsis , and that the Myth allegorically indicates a Degree reached by them , a hierarchical level that will enable them to carry forward the banner of Israel when the Chosen People themselves are unable to do it , when Adonis-Adonai momentarily bleeds in the Pardes Rimmonim to create the roses that will bloom during the Universal Synarchy .