THE MYSTERY OF BELICENA VILLCA / EDITION 2022 2022 / Official English Version | Page 148

The Mistery of Belicena Villca as Virgin on Venus , that is , in Olympus , as I already related on the Twelfth Day . Her spiritual Son , Navutan , self-crucified on the Tree of Terror , the Pomegranate of Life , to discover the Secret of Death , and it would be his Wife Frya who would resurrect him by revealing with her dance the Secret of Life and Death . That is why the legends only mention Frya-Persephone whose memory was deeply rooted in the peoples of the Blood Pact , and cast the mantle of a Taboo on the Feat of Navutan : the dark Atlanteans , and the Priests of the Cultural Pact , wished to hide , by all means , the subsequent legacy that the resurrected Great White Chief made to men , that is , the Mystery of the Labyrinth .
It was Navutan , indeed , the true inspirer of the Mystery of the Labyrinth , on whose journey the Hyperborean Initiate was administered a sign called Tirodinguiburr , formed with Uncreated Vrunes . Such a sign allowed the chained Spirit , to wake up and orient itself towards the Origin , finding the exit of the Labyrinth of Illusion in which he was lost . However , as in the case of Navutan ' s feat , the exit can never be found if the Hero does not have the assistance of his Original Couple : otherwise he may die , spiritually , after nine nights of hanging from the Tree of Terror . It is so that the cultural hoax of the Priests wants Ama-Demeter to look for Frya-Persephone for nine nights . The one who guides her , finally , is Hecate , with which she meets at a crossroads , that is , inside a Labyrinth : Hecate is thus a general representation of what would be , individually , Frya for Navutan : the Original Couple . For Greeks of ancient times , Hecate was found at every crossroads , promptly to guide the lost traveler towards his best destination , a symbol that , as it looks , came from far away . However , this Marvelous Goddess , to whom they were erected threeheaded statues indicating the triple nature of the white man , physical Body , Soul , and Uncreated Spirit , ended up becoming the Goddess of Sorcery and Witch , consequence , of course , of the Cultural Pact .
Naturally , the " rapture " of Frya-Persephone is a spiritual rapture performed by Herself to resurrect her Husband , that is to say , the impulse of a sacred ecstasy . Zeus-Lucifer , presumably the Father of Navutan himself , and Hades- Vides , the Lord of K ' Taagar , are the " Sages of Hyperborea ", whom She consults on how to save Navutan . And the advice received from Them is the one which decides Her to go down to the Hell of Illusion , to the Land of the " spiritually " Dead , that is , to Earth , to the World of Sleeping Men . And , known is , that whoever “ feeds ” on the Illusion , who lets inside Himself the Great Deception of the One , remains chained forever in Matter , no longer can he return to the Origin , he gets lost in the Enchanted Labyrinth of the Warm Life . However , Frya had not tasted the Forbidden Fruit , she was free to return , if she wished , to the Origin , bearer of the Secret of Death : it was her decision to resurrect Navutan , revealing to him through dance , the knowledge of the Kâlachakra Key . But , for this , she had to believe in Death , she had to eat a grain of Pomegranate and transform into Partridge , she had to transcend the Mask of Death and reach the bottom of Navutan ' s Himself . And Navutan , by facing Death , woke up and understood Death , resurrecting later and discovering to the Sleeping Men the Secret of the Labyrinth . But in this legacy , Navutan compromised his Divine Wife , who agreed to remain periodically in the infernal Tartarus , that is , in the World of the Sleeping Men , and appear before them with the Image of Death : so that they transcend in the Mystery of the Cold Fire and resurrect , too , as Men of Stone , as Hyperborean Initiates , as Wise Warriors .
A pale reflection of this part of the story is preserved in the legend of the Young Perdix , " Sister ", and therefore Wife , of Daedalus , the " inventor " of the Labyrinth , that is , of Navutan : when Perdix was falling into an Abyss , the Goddess of Wisdom , Athena , took pity on Her and turned Her into Partridge , whence came the Greek belief that the dance of the partridge solved the enigma of the Labyrinth , and that resulted in a College of Priestesses determined to reproduce this dance .
I have already explained that Kronos-Saturn-Jehovah " closes access to the Origin , source and return point of all the Uncreated Spirits ”, that is , he cuts