THE MYSTERY OF BELICENA VILLCA / EDITION 2022 2022 / Official English Version | Page 147

The Mistery of Belicena Villca
But Kronos , despite all his efforts , cannot prevent Zeus from being born , another Son of the Origin . The image of Zeus has been atrociously degraded by the Priests of the Cultural Pact , but , going back to the most ancient myths , it is possible to recognize in Him Kristos Lucifer , the Lord of Venus who descended to Atlantis to bring the Gral that would make possible the orientation and liberation of the Spirit chained to Matter , the awakening of the Spirit of Man . That is why Zeus is a natural ally of the Cyclopes , who provide him with the Weapons with which he defeats Kronos-Jehovah and strengthens his power in the Olympic region of the Earth , that is , in K ' Taagar , where the Path to Venus starts . Zeus-Lucifer fights against Kronos-Jehovah in the company of Poseidon and Hades , and with the technical support of the Cyclopes . Once victorious , in a primitive version of the Battle of Atlantis , the Gods settle in certain parts of the Universe : Zeus-Lucifer goes to Olympus , that is , to K ' Taagar , but , through its Gate , his true domicile he constitutes “ in the Heaven ”, that is , in Venus ; Poseidon in Atlantis , as King , and also as God of the Sea ; and Hades also goes to K ' Taagar , but without returning to Venus , as Zeus-Lucifer did , but remaining as Lord of the Abode of the Liberator Gods of the Spirit of Man , a place that the Priests of the Cultural Pact , as I exposed in the Tenth Day , would identify with the Infernal Tartarus : Hades is then Vides , the Lord of K ' Taagar .
With Demeter , a Daughter of the Origin , Zeus procreates Persephone , that is , Proserpina , the Goddess who the Roman Priests of Saturn-Kronos-Jehovah , evoked in Rus Baal , for her Cult and to which they dedicated the Carthaginian Temple of Baal Moloch-Jehovah . This was a Cruel Goddess , who lived in the infernal Tartarus next to Hades and fit perfectly with that remote region of Tartessos , famous for the ancient legends that pointed it out as the residence of Medusa . Demeter was the Goddess of Wheat , the one who gave to men for the first time that cereal , and she lived next to Zeus in Olympus . She had no other children except for Persephone , who was abducted by Hades and taken to Tartarus to a Mansion that required crossing the Land of the Dead to reach it . The Greek Myth tells that then , saddened by her absence , Demeter leaves Olympus and descends to Earth to seek for her , because she was ignorant of her hellish whereabouts . So she finds out that Zeus has been an accomplice of Hades in the Rapture . For nine nights Demeter searches in vain for Persephone , carrying a torch in each of her hands ; at last , guided by Hecate , the Goddess of Sorcery , whom she meets at the crossroads , finds out that Persephone is in the Land of the Dead . She goes down there alone , to check that the definitive return of her daughter is impossible : Persephone has eaten a grain of Pomegranate and she can no longer return to the world of the living , because everyone who tastes a food in the Land of the Dead , is imprisoned there forever : in Hell it is necessary to fast to avoid Death . Finally , Demeter returns to Olympus with Persephone , who nevertheless must return periodically to Hell to perform Death . The Myth of Persephone formed part of the Eleusinian Mysteries , where it was esoterically explained to the Initiates . Demeter ' s attributes , on the other hand , were the Wheat Spike and the Crane .
So far the Greek Myth ; but what is hidden behind the legend of Demeter and Persephone or Proserpina ?: I already explained that Hades is a degraded name of Vides , the Lord of K ' Taagar , whom the Cultural Pact conspiracy equated to a God who is Lord of Hell or Tartarus . Similarly , the Priests threw Persephone , an ancient white Atlantean Goddess , there . Who am I referring to ?: well , to Frya , the Wife of Navutan . In order to discover the true facts behind the story of Persephone and interpret the motive of the slander , we must keep in mind that for the white Atlanteans , as for any member of the Hyperborean race , the " Wife " is also the " Sister ", identity that goes beyond a simple symbolic association , and refers to the Mystery of the Original Couple of the Uncreated Spirits . Frya , in addition to Wife , is like this the " Sister " of Navutan and , therefore , Daughter like him of Ama , the Virgin of Agartha or of K ' Taagar , whom the Greek Priests of the Cultural Pact equaled to Demeter , the Goddess who gave men , for the first time , the Wheat Plant , the Carrier of the Seed . Hence there is never mention of a Son of Demeter , whom she would have conceived