THE MYSTERY OF BELICENA VILLCA / EDITION 2022 2022 / Official English Version | Page 146

The Mistery of Belicena Villca Granada ". But , in a language or another it is verified that the meaning of the name did not change in thousands of years .
It is in the light of that missionary activity of the Hebrew Priests , that traveled in the " fleets of Tharsis ", that the foundation of the Temple of Rus Baal should be observed , or of the Boulder of Baal . The Phoenicians consecrated each city to Baal and designated This with a particular Name : thus , the Baal of the Sidonians called Baal-Sidon , that of those of Tire , Baal-Tsur , and that of the inhabitants of Tharshish , Baal-Tars . Of the three main Aspects of Baal , that is , Baal Chon , the Producer , Baal Tammuz , the Conservator , and Baal Moloch , the Destroyer , the Hebrews accepted the latter as the personification of YHVH Sebaoth , the Netsah Aspect of " YHVH of the Armies ", leading to Victory by destruction of the enemies of the Chosen People or Shekhinah . The Temple of Rus Baal was dedicated , however , to the Cult of Baal Tammuz or Jehovah Adonai . When the House of Tharsis took over that Iberian Manor , already free from the Phoenicians after a bloody war , it prevented the Cult of Baal Tammuz-Jehovah from continuing and dedicated the place , at first , to the Cult of Fire , and in a second cultural instance , to the Cult of the Cold Fire .
After the invasion of Hamilcar Barca , and the destruction of the Tartessian Empire , the Golen established the Cult of Baal Moloch in Rus Baal , until the Roman reconquest . It was these , who recognized in Baal Moloch and Jehovah the God Saturn , and who called Rus Baal " Boulder of Saturn ". But Saturn was none other than the Greek God Kronos or Xronos , who was then active in the Roman pantheon ; the Priests of Saturn , as will be seen , only replaced the Cult of Saturn , with that of his granddaughter , Proserpina or Persephone . It is easy to show , comparing the Hebrew Myth with the Greek , that Jehovah is equivalent to Kronos , and , of course , to Tammuz , to Moloch , and to Saturn . To begin with , Kronos is the son of Uranus , the Supreme Heaven , as YHVH Elohim is of Ehyeh : and both , Kronos and YHVH Elohim , are Gods of the immanent Time of the World , Xronos or Berechit . And , most importantly , both are enemies of the Cyclops , that is to say of the white Atlanteans . In this regard , it should be remembered what the Greek myths tell about Uranus , Kronos , Zeus , Demeter and Persephone , and to clarify such legends by means of the Hyperborean Wisdom .
Uranus is the Supreme Heaven , Father of the Titans , the Titanides , the Cyclopes and the Hecatoncheires , generations of Gods from which they descend all other Greek deities and mankind . It is worth saying that Uranus , is another representation of the Origin , from which they have come into the Universe its own Creator , Jehovah Satan , and the successive Hyperborean Spirits , the first " Gods ", both the " Traitors " who chained their Comrades to the animal man , and the " Loyalists " or " Liberators ", who seek his guidance and Return to the Origin . But one of the sons of Uranus , Kronos-Jehovah castrates his father and declares war on the Cyclopes , whom he prevents from inhabiting their usual dwelling place , and precipitates into the Infernal Tartarus . This means that Kronos-Jehovah closes access to the Origin , point of origin and return of all Uncreated Spirits like Himself , " castrating " the Generating Principle of the Gods , preventing Divine birth from it . He is involved , then , in a war with the Cyclopes . But who were the Cyclopes ? the white Atlanteans , the Weapon Builders of Atlantis : according to Greek legends , the Cyclopes made the bow and arrows of Apollo , the Hyperborean , and those of his sister Artemis , the Bear Goddess ; earlier , during the war of Kronos-Jehovah , they had provided Zeus with the Weapons of Thunder , Lightning , and Ray ; for Poseidon , King of Atlantis , the Weapon of the Trident ; and for Hades , or Vines , the famous Helmet of Invisibility . After the Battle of Atlantis , and the Cataclysm that engulfed their Continent , the white Atlanteans had to march towards the infernal lands , where only the animal man lived , and the most degraded hybrid Races on Earth : that ' s when the legend represents the Cyclopes , Divine Builders , roaming the infernal regions . And during their transit through those lands of madness , we already saw it , they went closely pursued by the dark Atlanteans , the henchmen of Kronos-Jehovah .