The Mistery of Belicena Villca also possessed the Chokhmah , and therefore knew the plan of the Golen , was able to “ prophesy ” with mathematical precision the next end of it : “ Moan , ships of Tharsis ; that your port is devastated ”. " Who planned it ?" “ YHVH Sebaoth planned it to desecrate pride , to debase the glory of all the Lords of that country ” [ Isaiah , 23,1 ]. But in the days of Solomon the most important Phoenician colony , besides Tire , was Sidon , at whose port “ the fleets of Tharsis ” arrived and left : now , “ Sidon ” is not a Phoenician name but Greek , a country with which Punic men were allied against the Medes or Persians ; what does that name mean , what is its origin ? well , no more , no less than " Great Pomegranate Tree ", since Pomegranate , in Greek , is called Side , Σί δη ; as for the origin , the Greeks gave it that name due to a Hebrew cult that was practiced there under the auspices of King Solomon , that is , the Cult to the Divine Mother of Egypt , Side , The Great Wise Pomegranate ; Rimmon Binah , in Hebrew . Side , like Achiroe , was the wife of Belus in the Greek Myths .
The Hebrew Priests also carried this Cult of the Great Mother Rimmon Binah to the Phoenician Colonies and gave names , among others , to the current Andalusian city of Granada . The Phoenicians , in effect , founded a fortified factory which they called Rimmon , in honor of the Cult practiced by its main clients , however , the native Iberian peoples , who were Pelasgians like the Etruscans , called the fruit with the voice grana , which has the same root as the Roman Etruscan malum granatum , that is , “ fruit of many grain ". That citadel of Semitic merchants , Rimmon , was locally called Granata , Granad and Granada . In truth , the site chosen by the Phoenicians to set up their factory was a crossroads of Iberian roads already occupied by the Iberians themselves and by the Greeks , as it would later be by the Turduli , the Tartessians , and the Celts ; but , being the main objective the trade , it is understood that each town fortified its particular urban base and thus arose several extremely close citadels , in such a way that their later unit constitutes the modern city of Granada . There was , for example , in front of Granada , an ancient city , contemporary with Tharsis , called Vira or Virya , in the Indo- European language , as pronounced in Sanskrit or Iranian , and which means Semi-divine Man , Hero , Man who participates in the Divinity , Wise Warrior , etc . Both cities , one populated by supporters of the Pact of Blood , that is , Vira , and the other by staunch defenders and propagators of the Cultural Pact , Granada , could only live in permanent conflict . However , time would show that , at least in this case , the God of Granada was stronger than the God of Vira , and Granada ended dominating Vira , and the other Cities , and absorbing them into their walls . This was taken by the Hebrews as an unequivocal sign of their Messianic destiny and they would never forget it .
Vira should not be confused with Iliberi , Iliberri , or Eliberi , the Eliberge that mentioned the Greek Hecato , because they were different cities . During the Roman domination the cities were still separated , and such a situation was maintained even with the Visigoths . Arabs , in return for favors loaned for their invasion , granted the Hebrews control of the city of Granada , or Garnatha according to the new denomination ; since then they would refer to it as " the Castle of the Jews ". But they still do more : after destroying Iliberri , they install their farmhouse in the heart of Castala , Cazala or Gacela , more commonly known as Casthilla , another contiguous city , and favor the economic expansion of Medinat Garnata , the “ Mansion of the Jews ”. It ' s the end of El-Vira , or Elvira , whose inhabitants must capitulate thousands of years of resistance , leave the hill of the same name , and move to Garnata . The same will happen with Medinat Alhambra and Medinat Casthilla : they will all end up falling under the control of " the Jews of Granada ". In the 13th century , when the events narrated occur , only the Arab Kingdom of Granada subsists , being the City made up of the influential " Jewish quarter " located in the primitive location of the Castle of Granada , the Arab quarter of the Alhambra , the Mozarabic of Casthilla , of primitive Gallo-Roman roots , and the depopulated Elvira . Finally , I will add that if the Hebrews call the pomegranate " rimmon ", the Arabs know it as “ roman ”, which explains why for some time the City was called Hizn-Ar-Roman , which means " Castle of