THE MYSTERY OF BELICENA VILLCA / EDITION 2022 2022 / Official English Version | Page 163

The Mistery of Belicena Villca of Metatron and celebrate the Triple Holocaust awaited by YHVH ! May the Victory Netzach of YHVH Sebaoth be with you ! – Birsha greeted .
– And may the Glory Hod of Elohim Sebaoth crown your efforts ! --Bera bid farewell .
The next day , the Immortals had departed for Shambhala , leaving the four Priests sunk in dark musings . Of course , Bera and Birsha ' s devilish arrogance would have been somewhat mollified if they had even suspected that there were still Lords of Tharsis alive and that the Doomed Lineage , like the Phoenix , would be reborn from its own ashes in the House of Tharsis .
Thirty-Third Day Dear Dr . Siegnagel :
I hope you have enough patience and time to continue reading . Perhaps this letter has gone on too long , but it has not been possible for me to shorten it more , because I run the risk of obscuring the message that , precisely , I want to reveal with your reading . Indeed , I have limited myself to mentioning only the most salient events in the complex history of the House of Tharsis ; with another expository criteria it would have been impossible to even get here . From now on I will try to summarize the missing part even more , not because the message is already revealed , not because what follows is unimportant , but because time is running out for me , because I feel that They are getting closer and closer and I wish that you get the letter before the Golen execute the Sentence . I only ask you Dr ., rather , I beg you to read it completely and then judge : I know that my condition of " mentally ill " subtracts no little credit to its content if it be judged rationally ; but , I don ' t have to deny it , I trust that in the end you will take another point of view .
I must therefore abandon the satanic Immortals , who would soon return to the Temple of Melchizedek , to refer again to the Lords of Tharsis . Now it will be understood how the need that the House of Tharsis had to survive influenced and gave definitive guidance to the Strategy of the Circulus Domini Canis ; and how this strategy culminated when the inspired management of Philip IV achieved its objectives .
Noso de Tharsis was preparing to return to the Secret Cavern when the Plague made its presence in the House of Tharsis . Right away he understood that he was there the only survivor and , mastering the warrior fury that gushed from his Spirit , tried to calmly assess the situation . In the case of an attack of the Golen , there was no hope for the remaining members of the family except for the Stone Men who , like him , were evidently invulnerable . He therefore prepared to await confirmation of what had happened with the expedition of the Count of Tarseval and , during that wait , he verified with horror that the bodies of his relatives were transformed into bitumen of Judea . Upon the arrival of Lugo da Braga and the beginning of the pillage , Noso did not need more information to know the fate of the Count and his Knights : and at that moment he only thought of the Basilica of the Virgin of the Grotto , and in her image , the most valuable thing that was left there for a Stone man . Without thinking twice , he ran to the Church , sword in hand . A party of fifteen soldiers had already arrived , perhaps with the intention of stealing the Golden Chalice , and had to face the fury of the Wise Warrior : unequal combat for the Almogavars and for any uninitiated warrior , that cost them their lives .
Approaching the altar , Noso , who was sure to get there first , checked with astonishment at the statuette of the Stone Child a mutilation : someone had severed the stone hand that expressed the Bala Vrune . But that was not the time to solve the riddle . The Noyo wrapped the busts of the Virgin and Child with a cape and rode a horse to reach the left bank of the Odiel river , where a little-frequented path would lead him towards the Sierra Candelaria .
The news about the extermination of a large part of the family shocked the tough old woman : seventeen hundred years earlier , another Vraya had gone through a similar situation . It was not possible , she said almost to herself , that