The META Scholar Volume 6 | Page 28

· Lack of Consultant Usage · High Standards · Self Dependent · Reliable · Regulatory Knowledge · Loyal · Safety Knowledge · Stability · Asset Management · Vendor Relations · Positive Work Environment · Good Working Relationships with Other Dept. · Rapid Response 2. WEAKNESSES · Lack of advanced training on Imaging and Lab Equipment · Need more management involvement in helping hospital plan for future · 50/50 for lead tech is non-existent, puts more work on sole biomedical equipment technician 3. OPPORTUNITIES—Internal · X-Ray · Lab · Mammography · CT/MRI · Ultrasound 3A. OPPORTUNITIES—External · Clinics—Vet care facilities · 140+ Public Access Defibrillator program equipment in inventory plus we maintain uninterrupted power supplies, blood pressure cuffs, electronic thermometers, wall suction units, otoscopes, instrument/medication carts, battery chargers, digital cameras, and flow meters. These are all non-inventory controlled items. This projects out to approximately 500 labor hours per year. Current staffing would show available hours to perform maintenance at 5458 hours, short fall of 1000 hours. An additional 400 hours of labor time would be utilized to perform maintenance on Radiology [MRI, CT, and Mammography] and Ultrasound Equipment (see figures in projected FTE break down in next section). This brings the total to relatively 3.9 FTEs in order to move to an effective in-house maintenance program and sustain equipment safety to our staff and patient demographics. Annual Hours Direct Labor Hours Scheduled Unscheduled Non-inventory Total Available Hours 2946 2012 500 5458 Indirect labor Hours work week / year 2080 SLH 360 4. THREATS # hours in shop 1720 · 3rd Party/outside vendor service contracts Productivity multiplier 0.80 actual hours worked 1376 GAP ANALYSIS Labor hour standards for Clinical Engineering are # requisite FTEs 3.96 typically two hours per piece of equipment per technician per year. The typical Clinical Engineering technician will perform maintenance 70% of his/her This FTE value aligns with other clinical time based on 2080 hours per year. The other 30% is engineering departments within our region (see peer vacation, sick time off, training, and other in-house figures extracted from other similar size facilities administrative duties. This calculates to 1376 and their hospital FTEs authorized versus actual available hours spent maintaining equipment per FTEs assigned list. technician per year. Currently, we have approximately 1615 pieces of