The META Scholar Volume 6 | Page 29

Those FTE values are in next page in our excel spreadsheet which shows the different regional facilities in our area, total # of devices within our inventory, total FTEs assigned, and the ratio of # device to #FTEs currently assigned to the shop (See Chart 1). THIS YEAR'S PROPOSAL Staffing An additional specialist FTE to handle basic Radiology/Ultrasound and two Biomedical Equipment II would help offset the additional workload and continued maintaining federal, state, and local compliance standards. Maintenance Costs We recommend moving toward eliminating fullservice contracts and establishing “first-look” contracts to be utilized for performing in-house maintenance on diagnostic Radiology and Ultrasound equipment. This contract type will enable us to cancel or to allow the warranties to expire for all our full-service contracts and smoothly transition to in-house maintenance services. Hospital XYZ will reimburse the work performed by the clinical engineering department and cutting overall costs by 50%. This would allow us to fund an additional qualified biomedical technicians as stated in “Staffing” and next assume responsibility for the inhouse maintenance while technicians acquire experience and instill customer confidence. This alternative would allow the facility to function in a more self-reliant manner since time and materials is a very high risk on Radiology and Ultrasound equipment and can fluctuate up or down by as much as 30%. NEXT YEAR'S PROPOSAL Staffing A new FTE to absorb workload from increased workload and expansion to a dedicated x-ray imaging specialist for MRI, CT, Ultrasound, and Mammography units. Additional 400 hours, possibly could also handle bone density scanner with maintenance in-house. Maintenance Costs No changes Training Costs School for CT that will have to be funded since per diem is already included in the discounted training price which will help cancel our local contracts. SUMMARY OF PROPOSALS The clinical engineering department is a value added, multifaceted, very-talented group. We are dedicated to providing a safe clinical environment with high customer service at the low cost on the planet. The main weakness we have is our lack of resources to include but is not limited to manpower and a separate training budget from the rest of the cost centers. An additional FTE would save money and keep us in federal, state, and Joint Commission compliance. Our main strengths are our technical abilities, our desire to take on new challenges and to successfully and safely accomplish the organizations mission. This has been evident in our obtaining schooling on MRI/CT and we are ready to begin providing superior maintenance on these devices in-house. Only Hospital A as compared to ours which is Hospital D have similar modalities to our facility as The second benefit is that all maintenance costs are well as the number of like devices and they are then centrally located into one budget and managed successfully compliant in all areas of clinical by our clinical engineering and the healthcare engineering management and patient safety practices. organization. Cost of maintaining equipment will increase Training Costs: Schools for X-ray and Biomed in order to eliminate dramatically over the next five years as devices become more sophisticated. Our approach in and transition contract services. obtaining training and maintaining these devices inhouse will save the facility between $550,000 $750,000 over the next five years.