The Mahdi Times The Mahdi Times Issue #21 August 2014 | Page 60

"And the Day the wrongdoer will bite on his hands [in regret] he will say, ‘Oh, I wish I had taken with the Messenger a way.’ ” – Quran 25:27 "Oh, woe to me! I wish I had not taken that one as a friend." Quran 25:28 Thus, the branch of the Tree of the Prophet (s.a.w) which he left among his nation, lost its flower and its branches became scattered, as did the Muslims and their plight became similar to that of the nation of Moses (a.s) a rebellious people, and the 'drought' of the ignorant dried up the bounties they received from their Lord and fell into oppression overpowered by tyranny , the likes of Pharaoh (l.a) and the earlier children of Israel who went astray, and so it has remained an era of difficulty and trials, because the believers refused to take a stand against the enemy of the Prophets house (a.s) and allowed the rights of the Prophets family (a.s) to be seized from them, accepting appointed leaders by the people instead of the representatives of Allah (swt) on earth to govern them, a transgression against the command of Allah (swt). And for their transgressions and disobedience they were tested with trials of deprivation and diaspora, exiled from Allah's (swt) preferred treatment toward them, seeking refuge throughout their lands controlled by western influenced juggernauts and pillagers! And as the people of Moses (a.s) so did the Muslims entered the Labyrinth, that they may turn back to their Lord most High, as the children of Isreal were condemned to this trial for their disobedience before them. This being because the people did not adhere to the rightful messengers and they went back to heedlessness and corruption their grand Viziers, clergy and muftis the most corrupt from among them, the worst of Allah's (swt) creations, they did not and still no not oppose wrong doing or question the authority and rulings of fallible men and those to the call to sovereignty of the people vs the Sovereignty of