The Mahdi Times The Mahdi Times Issue #21 August 2014 | Page 59

who offends me offends Allah (swt). He who offends her after my death is the same as he who offends her during my life; and he who offends her during my life is the same as he who offends her after my death'?' her satisfaction. What is wrong with he who angers a woman?’ They then left the house.” They both answered: "Yes, by Allah, we remember." Sayyida Fatima Zahra (a.s) said, ‘Praise be to Allah (swt). O Allah (swt), I hold you witness, so you who are present testify to this; surely they have offended me when I am living and after my death. By Allah (swt), I shall not speak a word to you until I meet my Lord and complain to Him about you and that which you have inflicted me with.’ When Abu Bakr (l.a) heard this, he wailed and burst in loud laments and said, ‘I wish that my mother had not bore me.’ Umar (l.a) said, ‘It is strange how people appointed you as guardian of their affairs while you are not but a foolish old man! You become anxious at a woman's anger and you rejoice at Commenting on this story Sayyid Qazwini writes: ‘There was no need for Abu Bakr (l.a) to wail and apologize when he had the opportunity to amend his mistakes, nor was there a reason for him to burst into loud laments when he had the chance to return her estate to her. But surely the Caliph wished to achieve Sayyida Fatima Zahra’s (a.s) satisfaction at the same time he was keeping her property and rights usurped."