The Mahdi Times The Mahdi Times Issue #21 August 2014 | Page 58
follow men (in their commands);
I shall not disagree with you in
anything, so allow whoever you
wish (to enter the house).’
When Ali (a.s) heard Sayyida
Fatima Zahra’s (a.s) reply, he
(a.s) left the house and gave
permission to enter. The two
men entered the house; when
they saw Sayyida Fatima Zahra
(a.s) they submitted their
greetings to her, but she did not
reply, only turned her face away
from them; in turn, they
followed her face and she
constantly turned away from
them. The two parties repeated
this action several times until
Sayyida Fatima Zahra (a.s) said:
'Ali, cover me with your garment’
she then said to some women
who were present: ‘Turn me
towards them!’
When this was done, Abu Bakr
(l.a) said, ‘Daughter of Allah's
Messenger (a.s), we have only
come to you in an attempt to
achieve your satisfaction and
avoid your wrath; we ask you to
requite and forgive us for the
misdeed which we have
committed against you.’
Sayyida Fatima Zahra (a.s) said: ‘I
shall not speak a word to either
of you until I meet my Lord and
complain to Him about you. I
shall then complain about your
actions and everything which you
have committed against me.’
Sayyida Fatima Zahra (a.s) then
turned towards Ali (a.s) and said:
‘I shall not speak to them until I
ask them about something which
they heard from Allah's
Messenger (s.a.w). If they tell the
truth regarding it, then I will
decide to speak to them or not.’
They said, ‘By Allah, she has the
right to do so. Besides, we only
speak that which is right and
testify to that which is true.’
She said, ‘I ask you by Allah
(swt), do you remember when
the Messenger of Allah (s.a.w)
called you out in the middle of
the night regarding a matter
which came up with Ali (a.s)?’
They answered, ‘Yes, By Allah
Sayyida Fatima Zahra (a.s) then
said, ‘I ask you by Allah (swt),
did you hear him say. ‘Fatimah is
part of me and I am from her; he