The Mahdi Times The Mahdi Times Issue #21 August 2014 | Page 61

Allah (swt), compromising the faith of their sheepish followers and lowering the status of themselves in the eyes of Allah (swt) by doing so, and they remain in the labyrinth to find their way back to Allah (swt). Sayyed Ahmad Al Hassan (a.s) says in “The Labyrinth or the Path to Allah”, "And the Labyrinth was a punishment for them, for the rebellion against Moses (a.s) against the divine order of entering the Holy land of Palestine. That also was to reform them and save them from the forms of corruption that had been established in their souls as a result of Pharaoh and his party's tyranny over them in Egypt, to cleanse their souls and bring them back to sound instincts of monotheism and goodness, the labyrinth was a reformatory process as well as a punishment." p14 "Muslims lost their way after Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w) passed away, when Abu Bakr (l.a) and a group of hypocrites jumped and took over the authority and the caliphate of the Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w) and most of the companions failed to support the successor of the Prophet (s.a.w) who was appointed by Allah (swt) Ali Ibn Abu Talib (a.s) as the Prophet of Allah (s.a.w) appointed him in Ghadir Khum in the farewell pilgramage (Hujjat Al Wahdaa) and they not only took over the right of Imam Ali (a.s) and the right of humanity to get the word there is No God but Allah (swt), and Muhammad is His Messenger (s.a.w) rather Umar ibn Khattab (l.a) crossed the line with a group of hypocrites and burned the home of Sayyida Fatima Zahra (a.s) and she is the only daughter from the lineage of the Prophet (s.a.w) and together with Al Hasan (a.s) and Al Hussain (a.s) and Ali (a.s) who Allah (swt) obliged us to obey and love." p14 Man is in great loss, they have brought upon themselves only the wrath of Allah (swt) except those who turn back to Him (swt) humbled abased. Those who boycott the rights of the Ahlul Bayt (a.s), who snubbed