The Mahdi Times The Mahdi Times Issue #21 August 2014 | Page 50
Embargo and boycott of Banu
Hashem by the Quraysh
A boycott signed by 40 chiefs
was implemented and hung onto
the Kaba. Nobody was to trade
with, have contact with or marry
the families of Hashem and
Muttalib until they handed
Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w) over
to the Quraysh. Abu Talib (a.s)
had no alternative but to take
them to the valley called Sh'ib
Abu Talib, which he owned near
Mount Hajun. For three years
they lived there in economic and
social isolation. They were forced
to live ostracized until loneliness,
poverty and hunger would make
them surrender to either the
idols or to death. These days
were very hard for them and very
often they had to feed on leaves.
The young Sayyida Fatima Zahra
(a.s) was a witness. Sayyida
Khadijah (a.s) became sick and
died during their isolation in the
Valley of Sh'ib Abu Talib. She
died on 10th Ramadhan three
days after Abu Talib's (a.s)
Umm Al Abiha (The Mother Of
Her Father)
Sayyida Fatima Zahra (a.s)
accompanied her father
everywhere. She witnessed her
father speak softly in the midst
of a crowd of people and they in
turn harshly sent him away.
Sayyida Fatima Zahra (a.s) as a
small child witnessed this at
short distance of Masjid alHaram and watched when her
father was called names and
beaten. She watched as he
prostrated himself in the mosque
and his enemies threw intestines
of a sheep at him. With her
young hands she would clean her
father's face and comfort him. It
is because of this that he would
call her Umm al Abiha, the
mother of her father. Prophet
Muhammad (s.a.w) said “Fatima
is part of me. Whatever pleases
her pleases me and whatever
angers her, angers me."
Whenever she entered the room,
he would stand for her.
Upholder Of Truth And
The grief at losing her father was
compounded when his
instructions from Allah (swt),