is those who are the defiantly disobedient.} {The Holy Qur’an Surat
AlMā’idah (The Table Spread):
It is evident that the Ruler
faces emerging issues/problems
([new matters]) in every age, and it
And this is one incident for
those who listen while being present in mind ([while being heedful
The story of Moses (pbuh) with his
people: {And Moses chose from his
people seventy men for Our appointment. And when the earthquake seized them, he said, “My
Lord, if You had willed, You could
have destroyed them before and me
[as well]. Would You destroy us for
what the foolish among us have
must be that he has
insight/guidance and special knowledge from Allah, by which he
would know His, the Glorious, the
Almighty, ruling in regards to the
emerging/new issues. So how
would other than the Successor of
Allah rule by what Allah has sent
down, for it is confirmed that it is
not appropriate for anyone that he
rules by what Allah has sent down
except for the Successor of Allah
on His Earth.
done? This is not but Your trial by
which You send astray whom You
will and guide whom You will. You
are our Protector, so forgive us and
have mercy upon us; and You are
the best of forgivers.} {The Holy
Qur’an Surat Al’A`rāf (The
Heights): 155}.
against the command of Allah, the
Glorious, the Almighty. So if an
infallible prophet, whom was Moses (pbuh), chose seventy men for a
divine task and not one of them was
deserving/worthy of this task, so
then how can it be that the common
people choose a ruler, or king,
while perhaps they choose the most
evil of Allah’s creation, while they
are [of it] unaware.
So here, Moses (pbuh), the
infallible prophet, chose seventy
men who were the best of the Children of Israel, they all disbelieved
and rebelled against him and
then say, “I have announced to [all
of] you equally. And I know not
whether near or far is that which
you are promised. * Indeed, He
knows what is declared of speech,
{And We have already written in
and He knows what you conceal. *
the book [of Psalms] after the [pre- And I know not; perhaps it is a trial
vious] mention that the Earth shall for you and enjoyment for a time.”
be inherited by My righteous ser* He has said, “My Lord, judge
vants. * And We have not sent you, [between us] in truth. And our Lord
except as a mercy to the worlds. *
is the Most Merciful, the one Whose
Say, “It is only revealed to me that help is sought against that which
your god is but one God; so will
you describe.”} {The Holy Qur’an
you be Muslims [in submission to
Him]?” * But if they turn away,
And whoever wants more,
then the Qur’an is between his
hands, it is calling loudly in the ears
of the heedless.
Surat Al’Anbyā’ (The Prophets):
105 – 112}.
Read Ahmad Al Hassan’s (pbuh)
book ‘For the Supremacy of God
and Not for the Supremacy of the