Abdullah ibn Amr said:
“The Messenger of Allah (pbuh)
said: ‘My Ummah (Nation) shall
face that which the Children of Israel faced step by step, even if one
of them approached his mother in
public there shall be in my Ummah
one whom does that. And verily the
Children of Israel were divided into
seventy two sects and my Ummah
shall be divided into seventy three
sects, all of them shall be in Hell
except for one sect.’ It was said:
‘And who is it [that is the saved
sect] O Messenger of Allah?’ He
(pbuh) said: ‘What I and my companions are upon.’ Abu Isa said:
‘This Hadith (Tradition) is good,
strange and explained, we do not
know the likes of it except from this
face. Sunan Tirmidhi’ 2641.
Allah (pbuh) said:‘My Ummah
shall be divided into seventy three
sects, all of them shall be in Hell
except for one.’ It was said: ‘And
what is that group?’ He (pbuh)
said:‘What I and my companions
are upon today.’ Mujama AlZawa’id wa Manba’ Al-Fawa’id,
Page 189, 2 – 98 – 2, Hadith No.
beeh 1/61, Hadith No. 171. AlMustadrak 1/128.
Albiqhi with his isnaad narrated from Abu Hurayra [who narrated] from the Prophet (pbuh) that
he said: “The Jews were divided
into seventy one or seventy two
sects, and the Christians were divided into seventy one or seventy
two sects, and my Ummah (Nation)
shall be divided into seventy three
[Narrated] from Anas ibn
Malik, he said: “The Messenger of sects.” And Haythami with his isnaad narrated from Anas ibn Malik
Allah (pbuh) said:‘This Ummah
[that] he said: “The Messenger of
shall be divided into seventy three
Allah (pbuh) said: ‘My Ummah
sects, all of them shall be in Hell
(Nation) shall be divided into sevexcept for one.’ It was said: ‘And
enty three sects, all of them shall be
what is that group?’ He (pbuh)
in Hell except for one.’ It was said:
said:‘What I and my companions
‘And what is that group?’ He
are upon today.’ Al-Mu’jam AlAwsat, Page 460, Hadith No. 4883. (pbuh) said: ‘What I and my companions are upon today.’ Al-TibraTirmidhi and Al-Hakim and ni narrated it in Al-Sagheer.
[Narrated] from Abdullah
ibn Amr, he said: “The Messenger other than them narrated that AbSo they consider it to be evidullah ibn Amr said: “The Messenof Allah (pbuh) said: ‘My Ummah
dence for them, however, [in realiger of Allah (pbuh) said: ‘My
(Nation) shall face that which the
ty] it is evidence regarding the
Ummah (Nation) shall face that
Children of Israel faced, example
Supremacy of Allah. For that which
which the Children of Israel faced
by example, step by step, even if one
step by step, even if one of them ap- the Messenger of Allah (pbuh & his
of them approached his mother
proached his mother in public there family) and his companions were