the family of Abraham the Scripture
and wisdom and conferred upon
them a great kingdom.} {The Holy
1. {Say, “O Allah , Owner of Ruler- Qur’an Surat AnNisā’ (The Wom
ship, You give Rulership to whom
en): 54}, although the family of
You will and You take Rulership
Abraham (pbut) had [already] been
away from whom You will. You
given rulership, and the divine
honor whom You will and You hu- governance/supremacy all along,
miliate whom You will. In Your
however, they were oppressed and
hand is [all] good. Indeed, You are defeated and pushed away from the
over all things competent.} {The
helm of ruler ship, and it was seized
Holy Qur’an Surat ‘Āli `Imrān
by the tyrants. So it must be that the
(Family of Imran): 26}.
people enable/empower the Successor of Allah on His Earth to [seize]
This verse clearly indicates
the helm of leadership, for verily if
that Rulership is for Allah, and He,
they do not do so they would waste
the Glorious, takes whom He wills
their fortune and anger their Lord..
as a Successor. The Almighty said:
{“Indeed, I will make upon the
Al-Sadiq (pbuh) said: “…
earth a Successor”} {The Holy
Have you seen Allah saying: {which
Qur’an Surat Al-Baqarah (The
you could not [otherwise] have
Cow): 30}. So it is not upon anygrown the trees thereof?} He is sayone, after this Verse, that he aping it is not upon you that you
points a king, or elects a king, or
choose an imam (leader) by yourruler, unless he is appointed by Al- selves, calling him truthful by your
lah, the Glorious, the Almighty.
own desires and wills.” Then Imam
And this ruler ship, or divine
Al-Sadiq (pbuh) said: “There are
governance/supremacy, Allah gives three [types of people] whom Allah
it to whom He Wills, and it is not
shall not speak to, nor shall He look
necessary that the king appointed
towards them on the Day of Resurby Allah actually rules, for perhaps rection, nor shall He purify them,
he was forced and was pushed away and for them is a painful
from the helm of ruler ship, just as torment/punishment, whomever
what occurred all along the lines
grows trees [that] Allah did not
during the journey of humanity. For grow, meaning, whomever appoints
Abraham (pbuh) did not rule, but
an Imam (leader) [whom] Allah did
rather Nimrod (May Allah Curse
not appoint or disbelieved in whom
him) ruled, and Moses (pbuh) did
Allah appointed.” [Tahaq Al 3qoul,
not rule, but rather Pharaoh (May
p. 325]
Allah Curse him) ruled, and Hussein (pbuh) did not rule, but rather 2. The Story of Saul: {Have you not
considered the assembly of the
Yazid (May Allah Curse him)
Children of Israel after [the time
ruled. And for this the Almighty
said: {Or do they envy people for
of] Moses when they said to a
prophet of theirs, “Send to us a
what Allah has given them of His
king, and we will fight in the way of
bounty? But we had already given
The Verses which prove the supremacy of Allah on His Earth:-
Allah “?} {The Holy Qur’an Surat
Al-Baqarah (The Cow): 246}.
And this group of righteous
believers from the Children of Israel believe in the Supremacy of Allah, the Glorious, the Almighty,
thus they did not appoint anyone,
but rather they requested from Allah that He appoint for them a king,
and this is the greatest
evidence/proof regarding [the fact]
that the divine law in all of the divine religions recognizes that the
Ruler is appointed by Allah, not by
the people through elections.
3. Indeed, I will make upon the
Earth a Successor (Caliph): {And
when your Lord said to the angels,
“Indeed, I will make upon the earth
a Caliph (Successor)”} {The Holy
Qur’an Surat Al-Baqarah (The
Cow): 30}.
It must be that the Successor
of Allah is the Ruler on the Earth,
and the first Successor was Adam
(pbuh), and for every age there is a
Successor of Allah on His Earth,
and in this age the Successor of Allah is the Mahdi (pbuh). So it must
be that the people enable/empower
him to rule, for verily he is the appointed one from Allah, the Glorious, the Almighty, not that he
opposes by voting and democracy.
4. The Almighty said: {And whoever does not judge by what Allah has
revealed – then it is those who are
the wrongdoer ˟H