took the book was the slain Lamb
((Behold, the Lion that is from the
tribe of Judah, the Root of David,
has overcome so as to open the
book and itβs seven seals.β 6 And I
saw between the throne (with the
four living creatures) and the elders
a Lamb standing, as if slain, having
seven horns and seven eyes, which
are the seven Spirits of God, sent
out into all the earth. 7 And He
came and took the book out of the
right hand of Him who sat on the
throne)) Revelation 5.
Then, the slain Lamb and
the Lion are symbols for the one
who is given victory and was worthy of opening the book and loosening the seals. And he is one of the
twenty four elders. For in the position of triumph that requires power,
bravery and dedication, he is symbolized as the Lion. And in the position of the taking of the seals that
requires sacrifice, he is symbolized
as the Lamb standing, as though it
had been slain. And both aspects
are concerning the same figure, and
there is no contradiction between
them wherein the power of the soul
is a result for sacrifice, dedication
and patience over oppression.
As for their interpretation
that the slain Lamb in the vision is
Jesus (pbuh), this is falsified by the
fact that the one sitting on the
throne to them; is Allah β the Almighty is much Higher than this β
And it is not hidden in this interpretation of theirs of limiting Allah the
Almighty and falsifying His absolute Godhood. And for more details
you may read the book of Monotheism. As for us, the one sitting on the
throne is Mohammed (pbuh & his
family) and surrounding him are
twenty four elders, also on seats,
and they are the Caliphs of Allah in
His land; the Imams and the Mahdis
that the Messenger of Allah (pbuh
& his family) mentioned in his holy