A Gem from Ahmad (AS) !e Sealing Prophecy
By: Laila Ali
Alhamadolillah, All Praise is Due to Allah
swt Who Makes What He Wills Possible
and His Will is Just.
In the past week, another translated
material from Ahmed al Hassan a.s has
graced the websites, "The Sealing
Prophecy" and it has been the hot topic
amongst Ansars.
Subhanallah, how the love of Imam a.s is
apparent among Ansars when new work of
his is translated and released.
Almost as though we are the thirsty,
parched land which yearns for rain, and his
knowledge is like a drop of rain.
Once the first drop of rain hits the earth,
we forget all of our thirst... And imagine if
we were with him...Subhanallah...
The mind cannot conceive this love which
overflows from the heart upon thought of
our Imam a.s.... Which is coupled with an
instant wave of sadness as
this separation from him is overwhelming.
May Allah swt End this Separation of the
Ansars and the Imam a.s, Inshallah, Mola
Ali Waaris.
Just like the other books by Imam a.s, The
Sealing Prophecy also highlights the
importance of the Supremacy of Allah swt
and not the Supremacy of People.
The more I read from the Imam a.s, the
more I realize that this is the Ultimate,
central goal of his call. It is almost as if he
cannot stress enough the importance
of realizing the Supremacy of Allah swt.
This is not just limited to elections and
politics, but in every little thing that we do.
It is the essence of Submission, which is the
meaning of Islam.
Submission to Allah swt in everything and
truly going by His Wish. In the book, the
Imam a.s speaks about Balam Bin Baora.
...And of course their distinction from the
rest of people is their right on account of
their distinction in their previous obedience
and worship.
But whoever disbelieves in them due to
envy and ego shall fall into the abyss of
hell, as had happened to Balam bin Baora.
He knew some of the news of the heavens
and learned from Allah about the message
of Moses, yet he still disbelieved in Moses’
message and made uncertainties an excuse
for his fall which put him in the abyss of
hell. And his previous obedience and
worship were of no use to him. Just like it
had not been of use to Iblis (Allah curse
him) before, when he disbelieved in Adam
the sent prophet, and he became one of the
ugliest creat