The Mahdi Times October 2011 | Page 10

B Y : M U F E E D TR US T I N G T H E W AS EE L A S E N T BY AL L AH [48.6] ... the entertainers of evil thoughts about Allah. On them is the evil turn, and God is wroth with them and has cursed them and prepared hell for them, and evil is the resort. The holding of a bad opinion about God by a Muslim is the worst double standard. You could at least be honest about the thing and be an atheist. Perhaps that’s why we have the Hadeeth: “Despair is a kind of polytheism.” Atheism in the vocabulary of the Quran is termed as a kind of polytheism. The concept being that even if you think you worship nothing, as an atheist you must have an ideal which is separate from God, thus making two gods.  Hoping in God is important. No matter how much effort you as a Muslim are putting into a thing, the Quran states your actions will come to nothing without hope in God. In fact, as a Muslim you are honor bound to believe that everythin