The Mahdi Times October 2011 | Page 8

Z  I T .s Peace be upon you; O Aba-Ja`far Muhammad, son of `Ali; the pious, the devout, the guide, and the loyal (toAlmighty Allah) Peace be upon you; O the Pleased, the Pure Peace be upon you; O the Intimate Servant of Allah Peace be upon you; O the confidant of Allah Peace be upon you; O the Envoy of Allah Peace be upon you; O the secret of Allah Peace be upon you; O the Light of Allah Peace be upon you; O the Brilliance of Allah Peace be upon you; O the Word of Allah Peace be upon you; O the Mercy of Allah Peace be upon you; O the dazzling Light Peace be upon you; O the rising full moon Peace be upon you; O the pure and the offspring of the Pure Ones Peace be upon you; O the immaculate and the offspring of the Immaculate Ones Peace be upon you; O the Grand Sign (of Allah) Peace be upon you; O the Greatest Argument Peace be upon you; O the Purified from slips Peace be upon you; O the cleaned from filth’s Peace be upon you; O the elevated against imperfect attributes Peace be upon you; O the pleased in the view of the notables Peace be upon you; O the Pillar of the Religion I bear witness that you are verily the Representative and the Argument of Allah on His lands And that you are verily the Duty and the Choice of Allah And you are the trust of the knowledge of Allah and the Prophets And the support of faith and the traducer of the Qur’an And I bear witness that he who follows you is on the truth and true guidance While he who denies and antagonizes you is on the wrong and perdition Before Allah and before you do I declare my disavowal of those (enemies) in this world as well as the Next World Peace be upon you as long as I am alive and as long as there are day and night O Allah: (please do) send blessings upon Muhammad and his Household And send blessings upon Muhammad ibn `Ali¢— The pure, the pious, the devout, the loyal, the respectful, the immaculate, The guide of this nation, the inheritor of the Imams, The trust of mercy, the spring of wisdom The guide to blessings, the match of the Qur’an in respect with (obligatory) obedience The equal of the Successors in sincerity and worship-fulness Your supreme Argument, Your ultimate example, Your Excellent Word The caller to You, the guide to You Whom You have assigned as symbol to Your servants, as interpreter of Your Book as declarer of Your commands, as supporter of Your religion as argument against Your creatures, as light by whom You penetrate murk as pattern through whom true guidance is attained, and as interceder by whom Paradise is gained. O Allah: Because he showed piety to You at the furthest and took his due of fear of You, (please do) bless him many times as much as You have blessed any of Your servants whose obedience (to You)has been admitted by You And whose servitude to You has been accepted by you. And (please do) convey to him our greetings and salutations And confer upon us, through our loyalty to him, with favors, benevolence, forgiveness, and satisfaction of You You are verily the Lord of Eternal Favors and Benevolent