so that they can spend their wealth of worship for the friends of Allah
to worship Allah (swt) and to
and for Angels. It is the place
worship Allah (swt).
Revelations of Allah (swt). It is the
sustain themselves so they can
[51.56] "And I have not created the
jinn and the men except that they
should serve Me."
And in this service we have been
put here. And therefore:
[6.162] "Say. Surely my prayer and
my sacrifice and my life and my
death are (all) for Allah, the Lord of
the worlds;"
In the end there is no cause for
complaint because the world, while
a prison for the believer, is also the
place where Allah (swt) Reveals His
Signs to teach us what the world
really is like. A long saying from
Ameer ul Momineen (a.s) from
Nahjul Balagha:
where Prophets received
place for virtuous people and
saints to do good deeds and to be
assigned with rewards for the
could trade with Allah’s Favors and
Blessings and only while living
deeds with His Blessings and
Where else could all this be done?
Who are you to abuse the world
when it has openly declared its
mortality and mortality of
everything connected with it, when
it has given every one of its
inhabitants to understand that all
of them are to face death, when
through its ways it has given them )