Questions & Answers
Bismillahi Rahmani
Abdul Basit (India)
Allahuma Sali Ala Muhammad wa
Ale Muhammad Al Aima wa Al
Mahdyeen wasleem tasleema
Praise be to Allah(swt) that he has
guided all of us to the great mercy
and blessing.
My master this sinful servant has
few questions:
In the
Name of Allah, the Merciful, the
Intensely Merciful,
impermissible to kill the poisonous
snake if it was in the wild or in the
forest where it is harming no one,
and even if the harmful snake is
found in a place nearby people, it
Praise be to Allah, the Lord of the
is better that a specialist catches it
Muhammad and his household
living place, but if that was hard
Worlds and His prayers be upon
and takes it away from the people's
for you, then there is no problem in
It is permissible, and it is favored to killing it.
do good to your family and to be
kind to them even if they were not
1) Is it permissible to give(in
In the
charity) to anyone who asks and is
Name of Allah, the Merciful, the
in need, even if he is an idolater?
2) Is it permissible to kill the beings
In the
which harm us like mosquitoes,
Name of Allah, the Merciful, the
reason of the pain and the killing
Praise be to Allah, the Lord of the
snakes etc. My master what is
that they endure?
Intensely Merciful,
Worlds and His prayers be upon
3) Is it necessary to have an official Muhammad and his household
Muslim identity as my master i still It is permissible to kill the
dont have one and i fear for my
mosquitoes if you see that it causes
parents have threatened to end
their lives if they ever find out that
I've become a muslim (My parents
are idolaters and from Hindu
background)? My master is the
official identity required when this
sinful servant is ready to die for
your cause with the body and the
the transmission of Malaria for
example, and it is permissible to
Intensely Merciful,
Praise be to Allah, the Lord of the
Worlds and His prayers be upon
Muhammad and his household
It's not an obligation for you to
have an official identity issued
from the country and has your
religion written in it and that
you're Muslim, especially if this
matter causes harm to you or your
relatives. It is enough that you are
spray insecticides to kill the insects Muslim and believe in the truth
that spoils the harvest, and it is
and testify for the truth that you
permissible to kill the rodents that
are harmful to the harvest. But it is
detested to kill a harmful animal
without a reason, for example, it's
have believed in.