world's life and (that) their souls
down; and in the hereafter is a
This world is a very temporary
forgiveness from Allah and (His)
learns from the following
may depart while they are
So it is apparent that wealth and
property may not be good, but bad,
severe chastisement and (also)
pleasure; and this world's life is
naught but means of deception."
because it may be a punishment
[47.36] "The life of this world is
such as the wealth of Namrud (l.a)
believe and guard (against evil) He
leading away from Allah (swt),
[2.258] "Have you not considered
him (Namrud) who disputed with
only idle sport and play, and if you
will give you your rewards, and
will not ask of you your
abode in any case, as one can
‘It is reported that Ali ibn al-
Hussain (a.s) said, "The Messiah
(Jesus), Peace be upon him, said to
his Apostles, 'Verily, this world is
merely a bridge, so cross over it,
and do not make it your abode.' ''
(Bihar al-Anwar, xiv, 319)
Ibrahim about his Lord, because
[3.185] "Every soul shall taste of
The trouble for us Muslims is only
fully your reward on the
the Gifts of Allah (swt), justifying it
Allah had given him the
Following this line of thought, that
what the material consists is not
just inferior to the spiritual
rewards and benefits, but is in fact
an illusion, one gathers from the
following Verses of the Quran:
[6.32] "And this world's life is
naught but a play and an idle sport
and certainly the abode of the
hereafter is better for those who
guard (against evil); do you not
then understand?"
death and you shall only be paid
Resurrection Day; then whoever is
removed far away from the fire
and is made to enter the garden he
indeed has attained the object; and
the life of this world is nothing but
a provision of vanities."
[10.24] "The likeness of this world's
life is only as water which We send
by saying that they are only
utilizing the Blessings of Allah
(swt). When in fact they are
exploiting them and taking more
than their portion of the world. The
more one leans towards the next
world, the less one is inclined
towards this world.
down from the cloud, then the
Jesus (a.s) said, "The love of this
and cattle eat grows luxuriantly
together in the heart of a believer,
herbage of the earth of which men
thereby, until when the earth puts
on its golden raiment and it
[57.20] "Know that this world's life
becomes garnished and its people
and boasting among yourselves,
Our command comes to it, by night
is only sport and play and gaiety
when they overuse and squander
think that they have power over it,
and a vying in the multiplication of or by day, so We render it as
wealth and children, like the rain, reaped seed; produce, as though it
whose causing the vegetation to
had not been in existence
then it withers away so that you
the communications for a people
grow, pleases the husbandmen,
yesterday; thus do We make clear
will see it become yellow, then it
who reflect."
world and the next cannot come
like water and fire in a single
vessel." (Bihar al-anwar, xiv, 32)
And ones tastes and ambitions
similarly become more simple.
Instead of blowing ones own horn
one prefers to do good and remain
So it is that a true believer eats only
to stay alive to worship Allah (swt),
sleeps so they can be rested enough
to worship Allah (swt), earns only
becomes dried up and broken