A Paradise or A Prison?!
Think of a Paradise. In Paradise you five times a day (if you are lucky)
have all you want - every necessity but are you climbing the ladder of
and every luxury. Now think of a
The Prophet (s.a.w) said, "This
world is a prison for the believer
and is a Paradise for the nonbeliever."
We read these words. Without
pondering on these words we may
move on, yes. And what? Not
attempt the uphill road?
[90.11] "But he would not attempt
the uphill road"
Or the alternative - let us dedicate
a few minutes, myself included,
and think about these strange
parallel existences. A Paradise and
a Prison - in the same space.
Is it uncomfortable to think about?
It cannot be questioned that today's
rampant materialism has split the
world and everyone is trying to
Maybe you are not living an
opulent lifestyle but are you
coveting it?
Let us look at the Quran and
Hadeeth and see what they say
about what the world is, what we
should take from it, what we
should avoid in it, how we are
has brought forth for His servants
and the good provisions? Say:
'These are for the believers in the
life of this world, purely (theirs) on
make the communications clear for
a people who know."
And in this world, Allah gives good
for those who do good:
supposed to view it with suspicion
[16.30] "And it is said to those who
Given us before we die, and why
your Lord has revealed? They say,
yet avail the time Allah (swt) Has
we are in the world in the first
[28.77] "And seek by means of
what Allah has given you the
future abode, and do not neglect
your portion of this world, and do
guard (against evil): What is it that
Good. For those who do good in
this world is good, and certainly
the abode of the hereafter is better;