(Isaiah 5:29) Their roar is like that of
the lion, they roar like young
lions; they growl as they seize their
prey and carry it off with
no one to rescue.
(Isaiah 5:30) In that day they will roar
over it like the roaring of the sea.
And if one looks at the land, he will
see darkness and distress;
even the light will be darkened by the
For Mawla it is mentioned in several
narrations as an identity alongside the
companion of the matter (in this case
companion of the matter is Imam Al
Mahdi a.s).
From Abi Ja'afer (as) he said, "'Isbiro'
means to be patient from sinning,
'Sabero' means Taqya, 'Rabito'
means to be firm with the Imams
(as)" and then he said, "Do you know
what 'Al Bido Ma Labadna' means?
It means if a mover makes a move,
move with him.." (Kafi v.1 p.535)
From Zur son of Jaysh he said, "Ali (as)
gave a sermon in Nahrawan: Until he
said, 'Look at the Prophets family, if
the mover makes a move, move with
him, if they shout at you, support
them for victory, you will be
rewarded, and do not ever race and
go before them, or the calamities will
shock you', and then he mentioned
the appearance by the emergence of
the companion of the matter (as)."
(Jame' Ahadeeth AlShia AlBuroojerdi
v.13 p.73)
This tells us that a mover will make a
move, and that person is someone who
comes before Imam Al Mahdi (as). As it
says "and then he mentioned the
appearance of the companion of the
matter (as)." So the mover and the
companion of the matter are two people
coming out in two different times. And
we are obliged to follow the mover before
the companion of the matter (as)
From AlBaqer (as) he said: "There will
be for the companion of the matter
an occultation in a few of these
regions, and then he pointed his
finger over at (Thi Tiwa) until before
his emergence, the Mawla (Master)
that was with him will arrive, and
he will then meet with a few
companions" (Kitab Gaibat
AlNumani p.187)
Before his emergence will be a Mawla
that was with him. No doubt that this
Mawla is the first of the true believers,
the Yamani (as), the harsh servant with a
lineage that
seeds doubt (Khamel Al Asel) to the
people. He is Ahmad, Abdullah and the
Mahdi in the Prophets' will.
From AlBaqer (as), when he was talking
about the Mahdi's move, "Until when
he reaches AlThalabya, a man will
stand from the lineage of his father,
and he is one of the m