The Mahdi Times November 2011 | Page 16

Companions of Mahdi a.s. in the Bible By: Zolfigarr Asalaam Alaykum wa Rahmatullah wa barakatu, Ghaybah - Mohammad Ibn Ibrahim A' Noâmani p. 264.)  Bismillah Arahma Niraheem (Isaiah 5:27) “Not one of them grows tired or stumbles, not one slumbers or  sleeps; not a belt is loosened at the waist, not a sandal thong is  broken.” (Isaiah 5:26) "He lifts up a banner for the distant nations, he  whistles for those at the ends of the earth. Here they come,  swiftly and speedily!" In here the one who lifts up a banner for the distant nations is the Yamani (as) in the end of times. Al-Imam Al-Baqir (as) "There is no banner better than that of the banner of Yamani, it is the banner of guidance, because he calls to your possessor, so if the Yamani comes out, selling weapons to people or any Muslim becomes prohibited, and if the Yamani appears, stand up to him, because his banner is the banner of guidance, and its prohibited for any Muslim to turn away from him, and who ever turns away from him, then he's from the people of hell, because he calls to the truth and to the right path." (Al- And those who don't get tired and not one slumbers.... Imam Al Sadiqq (as) said: "There is a treasure in Taliqan it is not gold neither silver, a banner shall be raised, from the time it first was raised, and men as if their hearts were hard iron, it does not seep into them any doubt in Allah (swt), more harder than rock, if they were to strike mountains, they would have removed it, there is no nation they go to except that it will become ruined, as if on their horses are uqban (flint maybe, highly eloquent arabic word), they wipe their hands on the saddle of the Imam (as), needing the blessings of it, they encircle him defending in wars, and doing what he needs from them. Men who don't sleep at night, they have a medicine in their prayers like the bees, they spend the time standing as if they were in between two sides, and then they will see themselves on top of their horses, monks at night lions at day, they are the most contributive to their Sayed (Master) in the nation, like beacons, as if their hearts are light emitters, and they are with the fear of Allah (swt) protected, they pray for martyrdom, and wish to be killed by the Will of Allah (swt). Their slogan is "O Avenger of Hussein". If they walk, horror will be a month in front of them, they will walk to the Mawla (successor) heading to him in groups delivered, and with them Allah (swt) will grant victory to the truthful Imam a.s" (Bihar v.52 p.307) (Isaiah 5:28) Their arrows are sharp, all their bows are strung; their  horses' hoofs seem like flint, their chariot wheels like a  whirlwind.