The Mahdi Times May 2014 Issue | Page 92

Why Can't Anyone Falsely Claim The Will Of The Prophet (s.a.w)? by Zainab al-Shammari The Holy Will of Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w) written at the night of his death is a text which mentions the successors of Allah (swt) by their names, as it is a divine evidence that is enough to confirm the truth of its claimant. The Most High talked about the glad tiding that Jesus (a.s) has brought which including the name of the Prophet of Allah (s.a.w): “And bringing good tidings of a messenger to come after me, whose name is Ahmad." But when he came to them with clear evidences, they said, "This is obvious magic." – Holy Quran [61:6] If the Will was a divine evidence, then surely none would claim it except its possessor or else it wouldn’t have been an evidence. The Will is not claimed unless by its possessor because it is a book that prevents the nation from misguidance as Muhammad [s.a.w] has promised, “Bring me a leaf and a pen to write for you a statement with which you will never go astray after it.” Whereas if someone else was given the chance to claim it and present it as a proof to people, it would have contributed in misguiding them and this would be against the promised of the Prophet (s.a.w) that this will prevents from misguidance, far be the Prophet (s.a.w) from infringing his promise. The will is not claimed unless by its possessor because the Prince of the Believers, Ali (a.s) mentioned it and considered it one of their (pbut) chief characteristics: “None in the Islamic community can be taken at par with the Family of the Prophet (s.a.w). One who was under their obligation cannot be matched with them. They are the foundation of religion and pillar of Belief. The forward runner has to turn back to them while the follower has to overtake them. They possess the chief characteristics for vicegerency. In their favor exists the will and succession”- Bihar Al-Anwar vol.23 p.117 A similar narration was reported from his son Al-Sadiq (a.s), “O you who distinguished us with the Will and gave us the knowledge of the past and the knowledge of what is left and made hearts among the people incline towards us, and made us the Successors of the Prophets.” - Basaer Al-Darajat p.149 Therefore, it would not have been one of their chief characteristics and a means to distinguish them if others can claim it too. The Will is not claimed unless by its possessor because Imam Al-Baqir (a.s) guaranteed it as a scale to recognize the holder of the truth when he was asked about a way to recognize him, so he said, "Through peacefulness, dignity, knowledge and the Will” –Basaer AlDarajat p.509. If a misguided person can claim it, it would not have been a constant method of recognizing the holder of the truth, and far be it from him (pbuh) to breaking his guarantee and misguiding people. The Will is not claimed unless by its possessor because Imam Al-Reza (a.s) proved the truth of his grandfather Muhammad (s.a.w) to the Jewish and Christian scholars by mentioning the texts in their books that appointed him by name. So they said it has not been proven to them that this ‘Muhammad’ mentioned in