The Mahdi Times May 2014 Issue | Page 91

Allah had commanded us to preach then these people accepted and acknowledged that. [It reached them from us and they accepted and acknowledged it]. Our mention reached them and their hearts inclined towards us, recognizing us and our hadith. Had they not been created from this they would not have been as such. No, by Allah, they would not have acknowledged.” Then the Imam (a.s.) said, “Allah created certain tribes for Hell and fire. He then commanded us to preach to them as we had preached to them but to the later ones it seemed repugnant and their hearts felt hatred and they rejected it from us, did not acknowledge it and considered it as lies and they said, “They are magicians and liars.” Allah then placed a seal on their hearts and made them to forget. Allah then opened their tongue with some of the truth. Thus, they speak of it but their hearts are in denial. He uses it in defense of His friends and those who obey Him. Had it not been there no one would have worshipped Allah on earth. He commanded us to withheld it from them, hide and conceal. You must also hide it from those that Allah has commanded to withheld from and hide from those that Allah has commanded to hide and withheld from.” The narrator has said that the Imam (a.s.) then raised his hands and wept and said, “O Lord, this is a very small group. Make our lives as their lives and our death like their death. Do not make dominant over them any of Your enemies that would cause us suffer pains for their suffering. If You would allow it to cause pains to us because of their sufferings no one would worship You on earth. May Allah send blessing up on Muhammad and his Ahl al-Bayt and may (Your) peace and more peace be with them.”) [6] A section from AlMunajat AlSha’baniya (Supplication of Sha’ban) by the Commander of the Faithful (pbuh), Bihar AlAnwar: vol 91, page 97.