Muhammad (s.a.w) prostrates and
praises and speaks?
Isn’t the shortage with the (entire)
creation except Muhammad (s.a.w)??
Or are the oppressors who are present
inside the court of Allah the Glorified
the Al-Mighty for this (situation) more
superior and great and tremendous??
My dear brother:
The Prince of the Believers (a.s) who is
the best of creation after Muhammad
(s.a.w) said, “My Lord I have been
unjust to my soul for I have not looked
after it, it will certainly be doomed if
You do not forgive it.” ([6])
And if you contemplated upon my
previous statements then you would
understand that the Commander of the
Faithful (a.s) meant everything that he
said in all the statements meaning, so
then what is the situation for us??
And this is the truth that I am telling
you: That it is very important for
mankind to be with a rank that is
elevated and honored and reputed in
the hands of Allah (swt) the Glorified
and Al-Mighty, so upon him (mankind)
is to bite on his finger in repentance and
regret upon the small (amount of)
modesty towards Allah the Glorified the
Al-Mighty the most Merciful the
extremely Merciful the Patient the
Generous and to repeat these words:
O my grief from what I have neglected in
the side of Allah (swt) (and I shall
grieve) till the Day of Judgment arises,
and praise is due to Allah (swt) only.
- Ahmad Al Hassan
[1] The Holy Qur’an: Surat Al-Hashr (59:
[2] Look in: Al-Ghadeer by Sheikh AlAmeeni: volume 7, page 291.
[3] Nahjul Balagha (Peak of Eloquence):
page 126 / Se rmon 187.
[4] Look in: Kamaal Al-Deen Wa
Tamaam Al-Ni’ma: page 673.
[5] Al-Kafi: volume 1, page 402, Hadith
5, and here is the complete narration for
you: “From Muhammad ibn ‘Abd alKhaliq and abu Basir who has said the
following: Abu ‘Abdullah (pbuh) said: O
abu Muhammad, with us there is a secret
of the secrets of Allah and a knowledge of
the knowledge of Allah. No angel, near to
Allah or a prophet who is a messenger
also and no believer whose heart Allah
has tested for faith is capable to bear. By
Allah, Allah has not required anyone to
bear it except us nor has He required
anyone to worship him in that way except
us. With us there is a secret of the secrets
of Allah and knowledge of the knowledge
of Allah. Allah has commanded us to
preach it We then preached what Allah,
the Most Majestic, the Most gracious, had
commanded us to preach. However, we
did not find a proper place for it or a
people or bearers who accept it until
Allah created certain tribes. These people
were created from the clay out of which
Muhammad and his descendants were
created and from a light from which
Allah had created Muhammad and his
descendants. He made them with the
excess of the making of His blessings out
of which He had made Muhammad and
his descendants. We then preached what