The Mahdi Times May 2014 Issue | Page 89

years ago because of the ignorance towards them, and prayed to them and said this to that effect, “O Lord, if you want worship inside Your Earth then do not allow Your enemy authority over them.“ And Al-Sadiq (a.s) said this to that effect, “They would not be like this if it were not for the fact that they were created from the light that Muhammad (s.a.w) was created from and Muhammad (s.a.w) was created from mud.“ ([5]). -> As for fighting the Ego inside the Spiritual world then it is done by contemplating and thinking, the Messenger of Allah (s.a.w) said this to Ali (a.s) to that effect, “O Ali, an hour of thinking is better than worshipping for a thousand years.“ O my believing brother, come with me so we can ponder in our shameful circumstance in the hands of Allah (swt) the Glorified and Al-Mighty, let one of us be one of them, suppose that you are one of the 313, and suppose you are one of the 12 leaders from them, and they are the finest of everyone in Earth, the Prince of the Believers (a.s) said this about them to that effect, “May my father and my mother be sacrificed for those few whose names are wellknown in the sky and not known on the earth…” ([3]), and they (a.s) said about them, “The Earth becomes proud when they are walking on it.“ ([4]), and Al-Sadiq (a.s) cried more than 1,000 So contemplate their merits with the entire mankind and with the entire Shia of Ahlulbayt (a.s), so the Shia are created from their light and from their (a.s) righteous mud, and these are the sincere Shia that are the companions of the Qa’im (a.s) created from the light that Muhammad (s.a.w) was created from and Muhammad (s.a.w) was created from mud and with this great merit and elevated rank and with (the fact that) they are from the close ones and from the guardians of Allah (swt) that don’t have fear over them nor will they grieve, however come with me towards the presentation of the Day of Judgment to see their circumstance or rather the circumstance of the entire creation except Muhammad (s.a.w), then if Judgment arises no one will challenge the word in the hands of Allah (swt) until Muhammad (s.a.w) prostrates and until Muhammad (s.a.w) praises Allah (swt) and until Muhammad (s.a.w) speaks and intercedes for the creation of Allah (swt) and His servants, so why is it that no one would prostrate nor praise nor speak in that situation unless after