Fighting the Ego Monster
by Ahmad al Hassan (a.s)
Question 107: How do we fight against
the Ego?
Answer: Fighting the Ego has two Sides;
the First: is inside this Bodily world, and
the Second: is inside the Kingdom and
Spiritual world, so the human is
composed of a body and a spirit (or a
soul and it is the speaking (tongue)
implanted in the Heavens within the
lowest arrangements of the spirit).
-> As for fighting the Ego inside this
Bodily world then it is done by the
practice of noble morals, and the most
important is generosity, the Al-mighty
said: “And give them (emigrants)
preference over themselves, even
though they were in need of that.” [1],
and upon the believer is to spend in the
Way of Allah onto the needy and the
poor and onto the Jihadists, and to
provide for them the necessary
preparation to fight the enemy of Allah
(swt) and the best of generosity is not
upon the deficient (believer) or the one
who lacks (possessions) in his hand,
“and give them (emigrants)
preference over themselves, even
though they were in need of that”. In
the same way that (a duty) upon the
believer is to hate taking advantage over
another believer or (establishing)
centers of leadership (to take
advantage), this Hadith was narrated
from Messenger (s.a.w) to that effect,
“Whoever takes advantage over a
believing nation’s welfare/wealth and
he is aware that there are people
inside like himself (believers) then
Allah will overturn him onto his
nostrils in the Hellfire.“ ([2]), and this
much is enough and I will leave the
research and the elaboration to the