The Mahdi Times May 2014 Issue | Page 93

their books is himself the grandfather of Imam Reza (a.s)? So he (a.s) answered, “You advanced an argument based on doubt, did Allah ever send before or even after Adam until our day a Prophet holding the name of Muhammad? And you see him mentioned in some of the books that have been revealed to all the Prophets other than Muhammad?” So they couldn’t answer back” - Bihar Al-Anwar vol.49 p.75. Imam Al-Reza (a.s) proved that no one other than the man mentioned by his name and description in their books can claim this matter and thus it is a proof that he is the one mentioned once he present it as a proof and says that he is the one intended. In other words, the text which mentions the true claimant cannot be claimed by anyone other than him. And this is the same answer we give to who doubts today and says, “It has not been proven to us that ‘Ahmad Al-Hassan’ is himself ‘Ahmad’ mentioned in the Will”, so if he chooses to refuse it, let him know that he refused the reply of Imam Al-Reza (a.s) as well. The Will is not claimed unless by its possessor because if the believer looked into the history of the Divine Calls up to the time of Adam (a.s), he would not find any false claimant who said he is mentioned in the divine text by a former Successor. Yes, he will find many claimants of Prophethood and Imamate positions like Musailamah and Sujah and others, but never will find any of them presenting the Will and the text of a former divine successor and said that here is my name mentioned in it. Isn’t this enough to be sure that Ahmad AlHassan (a.s) is honest in his claim by raising the Will of his grandfather Mustafa (s.a.w) which mentioned him by his name and that he presented is as a proof of his Call. How can a man allow doubt to infiltrate his heart after all of this? Didn’t Al-Baqir (a.s) tell you about the way to recognize the holders of the guided banner when he said, “…Whatever had caused you confusion, it shouldn't cause you confusion over the covenant of the Prophet of Allah (s.a.w), his banner and weapon” - Bihar Al Anwar v.52 p.22.