By the way these are the same people who Muawiyya ibn Abu Sufiyan (a black
skinned Arab, relative and companion of The Prophet) was suspicious of, not
because of racism towards them either, but because of the mass immigration
that he witnessed taking place in front of him.
إني رأيت ھذه الحمراء قد كثرت وأراھا قد قطعت على السلف
Surely I see that these white people have increased in number and I have seen
them they have insulted the predecessors.
وكأنھم أنظر إلى وثبة منھم على العرب والسلطان
It is as if they are trying to seize upon the Arabs and the authority.
I wonder if Muawia envisioned them taking Arabism from the original Arabs
and giving it to themselves and then degrading the true Arabs. I wonder if he
envisioned them making themselves appear to be true Arabs and degrading the
original Arabs by persistently referring to them as slaves.
Speaking about this early mixture of the black skinned kinky haired Arabs
with fair skinned people that took place on a large scale after the revelation of
The Quran, Ahmed Amin says,
‘Practically every Arab soldier had slaves and slave girls that he used to assist
him with his needs. If he wanted to he had children by the slave girls. This all
resulted in other fairer skinned races like the Persians, Romans, Syrians,
Turkish and Armenians entering into the Arab household. The once Arab
household became no longer an Arab household but a mixed household….’
There were a significant number of mixed race births due to the large
conversion rate to Islam from the fairer skinned peoples particularly during the
time of the Caliphate of Umar ibn al Khattab and thereafter.
The Arabic word used for pale/fair skinned people is HUMR ( Red ) which
would include Europeans AND ANY Caucasoid straight haired people with a
slight Tan like present day Iranians, North Africans, Syrians, Saudis,
Egyptians, Afghanis, Pakistanis, Yemenis and Iraqis who have also been
mixed with Aryan elements.