The Mahdi Times May 2014 Issue | Page 59

Meaning of Ahmar/Humra: ‫[ حُمرة‬Redness;] a well-known colour; (Msb, K;) the colour of that which is termed ‫ .… أحمر‬But when relating to complexion, whiteness; (Book I, p.640 W.E.Lanes Arabic Lexicon) The Black Arabs referred to anyone not as dark as themselves (and they were indeed very dark) as ‘red skinned’. This and other key descriptive terms will be addressed in more detail in the conclusion to this three part series of articles where it’s usage will be highlighted and detailed using classical Arabic text/literature sources. The Indo-European converts made allegiance to the Black Arab tribes and once they had the chance, they took everything for grabs. By the end of the 9th Century the racial composition of Arabia had changed from predominantly Black to either mixed race or near white( Indo-European ) . The dominant face of Islam went from black to white. By the 11th century, as Robert Goldstone (1979: 87) observes: “although both Abbasid and Fatimid caliphs continued to maintain their titles, between the Mamelukes in Egypt and the Seljuk’s in the East real power in the Arab world (except North Africa and Spain, where the Seljuk’s never penetrated) had passed into Turkish hands. There it was to remain until our own day. And what of the original Arabs, those lords of the desert who had formed the vanguard of Islam and presided over its golden age? Almost all had long since