Malcolm X - The Shining Black Prince by Laila Ali
19th May marks Malcolm X Day, the day
truth seekers and “knowers” around the
world, celebrate the birth of this great
revolutionary. Whether you dis/like
Malcolm X or cannot quite grasp his
significance, it is undeniable that his
work and legacy sparked a chain of
events which changed history forever.
Being born to Garveyite “black
conscious” parents who worked actively
within their community to educate and
liberate the minds of the masses from
being spellbound by the white
supremacist, Malcolm was no stranger
to the struggle. However, I find that for
many of us who honour Malcolm too
often forget that Malcolm was not
always on the straight and narrow.
Yes, Islamically we are always taught
not to point out the flaws and mistakes
of our fellow brother, however I feel
that when those mistakes serve as a
lesson and inspiration it becomes
incumbent and thereby a duty for us to
highlight them.
Would it shock you if I was to tell you
that Malcolm X was a pimp, thief, drug
dealer and well known criminal? During
those days Malcolm called himself
“Detroit Red”, he relaxed his red hair,
wore dazzling suits, partied, drank and
indulged in all sorts of criminal and
questionable behaviour. He owned the
streets, until he was arrested for
burglary charges and imprisoned for 10
At times our limited perceptions blur
the bigger picture and we wind up
believing that the pain we endure is a
punishment whereas more often than
not, it is a purification process, such was
the case with Malcolm during this
period for it was here that the Creator