The Mahdi Times May 2014 Issue | Page 5

Most High brought Islam into the life of Malcolm through his brother Reginald, who would visit him in prison and share his own conversion to Islam via the Nation of Islam. After this Malcolm himself converted and he too became a member of the Nation of Islam. Intrigued by his eloquence, Elijah Muhammad would later appoint Malcolm to become the Minister and National Spokesman for the NOI. The story of Malcolm X is available online for all to read and apply, however the motive behind this article is not only to honour this Shining Black Prince, but to use his life as a Shining example for us all. Malcolm’s life was full of struggle and hardship. He was not born a Muslim; in fact he was not even born “equal” in the eyes of other races according to the legislation of the United States of Dajjal (America)! He lived a life of crime and “haram” activities, but not once did he hide or deny it. Does this sound like a man that was consumed by the Dunya? He had near no money to the point that even his Hajj pilgrimage was paid for by his sister Ella. The main goal of this man’s life was liberation of his people and he worked tirelessly to attain it. Ahmad al Hassan (a.s) has repeatedly advised us to focus on fighting the Ego Monster for that is the ultimate test. We must never forget where Malcolm came from for it serves as not only as an example for us but for the millions of people who are still being oppressed by the white supremacist. The only difference between now and then is that during Malcolm’s time the oppression was done openly, now it is done in a more sinister and subtle way, but it’s still the same hand holding the whip. Malcolm is a prime example of one man’s victory against his Ego Monster. What, do you think that when Malcolm said the Shahadah that that was it? No! He was tested throughout. Leaving his life of crime was just the beginning. Malcolm picked himself up and cleaned himself off from his past and came into Islam with a heart as clean as a mirror. Those who say otherwise either do not understand Malcolm or use their minds rationally for his life is a prime example. Malcolm had nothing to his name, not even the house he lived in, even his refrigerator had holes in it! “To have once been a criminal is no disgrace. To remain a criminal is the disgrace” – Malcolm X