The Mahdi Times May 2014 Issue | Page 103

The Powers of Hearth (Heart) and Soul (Soil) by Yasmine Fatemi The seed is able through this method to take in information from the person who plants it, during the cultivation of its fruit it picks up information from the universe and earth for the optimum combination of energies needed for the person. During the cultivation time it is vital to communicate with the plant – at least once during its growth period. And it is desirable to approach it and touch it during a full moon. The fruit from such a plant is capable not only of curing the individual of any diseases of the flesh, but also of significantly retarding the aging process, rescuing him from harmful habits, tremendously increasing his mental abilities and giving him a sense of inner peace. The fruit will have the most effective influence when consumed no later than three days after harvesting. It is also not necessary to plant a row of seeds that have been treated in this way, it can be done with a single or just a few plants. Fruit grown from plants that have been treated this way can be distinguished from other plants by their taste smell and if properly analyzed they are specific in the properties and bio substances they contain. When planting the seedling, it is also important to soften the soil around the excavated hole, with one's fingers and toes, and to spit into the hold. The substances in ones feet are best for reading toxins and contain valuable information about bodily diseases. This information is taken in by the seedlings. They transmit it to the fruit, it was also recommended to walk around the plot barefoot from time to time. There is also a great benefit to the soil when this method is performed, since the seed will need ALL the nutrients that the planters body is deficient of and more the soil will need to produce new nutrients that are not present in the soil at the time of planting, once the seed is planted it delivers the messages to the soil of which bio-chemicals to create and the soil will do so, Nature can easily produce a new species of plant and mineral when it is needed. It is like the human cell as Imam Ahmad (as) has told us, possess all the information and only when activated will it come into action or being, it is the same in nature. When the soil reads the information from the seed it produces new nutrients and all the soil around the plot will act in resonance with the plot and do the same thing so it spreads out, it is the same with water, you can effect a larger body of water by charging a smaller amount and adding it to it, depending on the reach of the charge (or energy field of the one who charges it) it can be far reaching we have a causal body that reaches into parts of the cosmos. And as Imam (a.s) explained to us, we are similar to fractals present in different dimensions and locations at the same time, so it is easy to see how limitless these practices are. This is the fastest way in which soil can be revived and regenerated, in different parts of the world where this method has been initiated is already showing the fruits of its truth.