The Mahdi Times May 2014 Issue | Page 102

The Powers of Hearth (Heart) and Soul (Soil) by Yasmine Fatemi capable of counteracting, preventing, correcting, any disease in the body, but the seed must know the human condition in order to adjust itself to the individuals needs nutritionally before it is planted in the soil and the dynamics of germination and growth take place. In order for this information to be transmitted to the seed from the individual, it must be introduced to the signature of the person. Raise your hands with the seed to the mouth palms open, then blow on it with the warmth of the breath, the seed will know all that is within you. Raise your hands toward the Sky for about 30 seconds with palms open, presenting them to the celestial bodies and the seed will determine the exact moment of awakening, the planets will help give the sprouts the sun and moonlight to produce fruit specifically for the person occupied in the method of preparation. After this the plant should be put into the ground and covered with soil, it should not under any circumstances, be watered for 3 days upon planting, so that the saliva is not washed away and has a chance for the information to be taken in, after 3 days you can water the plant. Before planting a seed, whether it is a cucumber or tomato or whichever fruit one wishes to use to make the perfect medicine for his personal condition, put the seed (or a few) into the mouth beneath the tongue for no less than 9 minutes. The saliva has the entire information from the individual, from medical, genetic astrological imprints are all taken in this reading by the seed. Once this is done take the seed between the palms of the hands and hold both palms closed together and in front of the heart center. Hold it there for about 30 seconds in which time one should stand barefooted directly on the plot or soil one wishes to plant the seed. This is so the soil can 'read' from the soles of the feet, the deficiency from the toxins that come out of the feet. The seed should also be planted taking into consideration the moon phase, all this information can be found on moon phases and planting seeds in the farmer’s almanac. It is not a good idea to pull weeds that are growing around the sprouts; at least one of each kind should be left as they offer nutrients and protection to the growing bud. It should also be said aside from this information offered in the Book “The Ringing Cedars of Siberia” that if you are in an area where water is scarce, you can speak or communicate with the plant by thought, letting it know each day that you will give it water, and it will actually grow without any water at all! This is the power of alchemy, even the intent itself, is enough to put something in action, in nature and give it the energy by way of trust and faith.