The Mahdi Times May 2014 Issue | Page 101

The Powers of Hearth (Heart) and Soul (Soil) by Yasmine Fatemi When we seek to ponder upon and recite the words of power, we become tuning forks that transmit this energy in accordance to our measure of Yaqeen and Taqwa. If they are weak, our efforts are weaker. If they are strong, our transmissions are more powerful and it is all by the Will and power of Allah swt, we now are living alchemy in intention, action and in transformation in accordance with our own potential of activations within us which are infinite in nature and they are the DNA of the Soul which is infinite in nature and the Essence of Allah which is the Giver of Life to the entire process, SubhanAllah! Energy is never wasted, it becomes something, lesser or greater. If we are mindful and have real God wariness, then our works become grand and far reaching. If we are knowledgeable about alchemical works and a few basic principles, our works can put into motion, an unstoppable force that will transform everything you come into contact with by way of intention and action (Ilm and Amal) I will reveal a little secret that has made its way across time and space to be awakened into consciousness at a present time where it would be revived and perhaps in Russia today, it has already begun. The Seed of Consciousness Sewn (Into the Fabric of Reality) There is a story that has become something of a pop culture in Russia amongst lovers of nature to those who wish to revive their ancient traditions and go back to living more harmoniously and self-sustaining as partners with nature and with more respect for the earth, whatever it may be it has become somewhat of a phenomena. The Book “Ringing Cedars of Siberia" the author, a Russian entrepreneur who travels far into the Siberian Taiga stumbles upon a nomadic woman 'Anastasia'. He witnesses incredible spiritual phenomena connected with sacred 'ringing cedar' trees. He spent three days with her where she shared with him her unique outlook on subjects as diverse as gardening, child-rearing, healing, nature, sexuality, religion and more. This wilderness experience transformed the author so deeply that he wrote a book about the spiritual insights she shared with him. A spiritual journey where many lost alchemy secrets, natural laws are revealed to him over the course of the encounter. Regardless whether the story itself is fictitious or real, it is a kind of new mythology by which truth can be introduced by way of storytelling, so it really does not matter whether Anastasia exists in this realm or not, she reflects the ‘Astral self’ and the reality it is able to unfold given the Faith and methods and understanding the nature or Nature and the Center it surrenders to, the Creator of all worlds! In the Book it reveals that every seed in nature contains an enormous amount of cosmic information, nothing made by human hands can compare, in size or accuracy, the seed knows from the codes in its DNA the exact time down to the tiniest millisecond, when it must come to life, grow, what nutrients and juices it is to take from the earth and soil, how to filter and absorb rays of the Celestial bodies, the sun, moon and stars, what species it is intended to grow into, what fruit to bring forth. The fruits are designed to sustain Man on every level, nutritionally, spiritually, more effectively than any manmade drug or machine, these fruits are