The Mahdi Times May 2014 Issue | Page 104

The Powers of Hearth (Heart) and Soul (Soil) by Yasmine Fatemi Magnificent Temple it was intended as an offering to Allah swt, Solomon (as) wanted to use a most precious and sacred material fit for its Divine purpose. So he chose to use Cedar trees which he had imported from Lebanon where they are natively grown and said to be of the best Cedars in the world. The wood of Cedar when burnt emits its vibration via smell; it has popularly been used in sweat lodges for initiating vision quests along with the consumption of entheogens to seek guidance through the interaction of consciousness. It is known as a sacred lucky charm in many cultures and used for innumerous purposes. There is another mystery behind the Cedar tree that was exposed, and that is that a cedar tree is like a giant antenna that sucks the negative energy from the earth and soil and filters it out of its tip. The Cedar tree with its trunk branches and fruit are all filled with a large amount of energy to move the negative energy out of itself and up out of the atmosphere where it transforms and returns to the earth, a natural ‘recycling’ ability certain plants have in particular the Cedar tree. The Cedar tree if a branch breaks one should be most cautious to stay away from its point of fresh injury as it is an open channel where the negative energy is able to leak out at great force to the point of harming something that is aligned in its path. When a Cedar tree has reached the end of its life span it begins to make a sound much like the sound of 'ringing' or humming, and is ready for further use, as the wood carries a special frequency range of energy that is life giving, healing and empowering, serving many uses if utilized practically or spiritually. There is a Hadith about Prophet Solomon (a.s) when he was making plans to build his Speaking of Vision quests, I have experienced a number of entheo- Journeys that have clearly brought to light the workings of dark and light in the world of spirit and how it branches into the fabric of our life. The 'weft' is always within nature the 'weave' is our thoughts and actions and how we interconnect and create the brocade of our past and present lives work. It is an opportunity to commune in the purest way with a spirit of nature, an elemental spirit, which is essentially a piece which reflects the entire consciousness of the plant kingdom. When its consciousness is combined with our own bio-chemstry, ie consciousness, (by intake of its active ingredients) becomes integrated with our own consciousness and brings to our awareness all areas of our reality that are out of balance and deficient and the events and issues that have arisen due to the giving the different manifestations of the false ego self within the our psyche. It is a profound experience that can each time bring to awareness lifetimes worth of lessons in a singular fast forwarded experience the length of a moment or in the hour (as the