plurality of the Absolute Divine. Allah is far
Exalted and Higher than what they
oppressors say.
Ahmad Al-Hassan (a.s).
[1] For verily, if they were not able to make
idols from stones and say that they are the
image of the Absolute Divine, they make
idols from humans like what the Christians
have done, and if they were not able to do
that, they make Allah (swt) [himself] an idol,
like what the Wahabis have done and even
the Jews. And even though a large number
of Prophets and Vicegerent have been sent
among them, at the end the scholars of
misguidance succeeded in deviating them
away from the Divine Path, so they made
them make idols out of the scholars of
misguidance, starting from the innovation
of Taqlid ([imitating scholars]), or the
innovation that [says that] the scholars of
misguidance are the inheritors of the
Prophets and Vicegerents (pbut). And as a
result, they have turned towards making
idols out of the religious scholars and
following them blindly, until [the scholars of
misguidance] have placed to them corrupted
beliefs and they made to people Halal
(permissible) that which Allah has made
Haram (forbidden), and they made Haram
(forbidden) that which Allah has made
Halal (permissible), and thus, [people] have
worshiped [the scholars of misguidance]
without Allah.
And the Shia, because of the Imams and
[the fact that the Imams] were fighting
distortion/corruption, some of the nonworking scholars were not able to drag the
religion to a straightforward paganism,
however, they were able to maneuver/twist
[truths], so much so until they returned
paganism back in another image through
making idols out of the scholars of
misguidance, whom have become today
unfortunately an idol worshiped without
Allah by the innovation of the belief of
Taqlid ([imitating scholars]), so that they
may make people be driven towards them
like animals, without thinking or searching
for the truth of that which [the scholars of
misguidance] claim and issue Fatwas about
and legislate and distort from the Book, and
they place pagan beliefs which Allah has
never sent any authority for. And the Imams
(PBUT) have prohibited following any other
than the Infallible, just as was prohibited by
the Prophets and Vicegerents (pbut) before
them, and they have clarified that TaqlId
[imitating] other than the infallible is a
pagan path which was taken by the scholars
of misguidance in the Jewish nation in the
past after the prophets (pbut), and they have
prohibited their Shia from following those
whom take the Jewish Pagan Corrupted
Al-Sadiq (a.s) said: “Beware of Imitating
(Taqlid), for whoever imitates in his religion
then he has been ruined/damned. Allah
(swt) says: {They have taken their scholars
and monks as lords besides Allah} and by
Allah, they did not pray nor did they fast for
them, but they made Halal (permissible) to
them that which is Haram (forbidden), and
they made Haram (forbidden) that which is
Halal (permissible), so [the people] imitated
them in that, thus, they have worshiped
them without feeling [that they are doing
so]” Tashih Al’Itiqad – by Sheikh AlMufeed, page 73
[2] Read in Addendum number (3) some of
the examples, and revise some of the Fatwas
of Al-Albani, and the Fatwas of Ibn Baz and