The Mahdi Times June 2014 | Page 32

and they are called to prostration but they will not be able’ Surat Al-Qalam 68:42, and His, The Exalted, saying: ‘The hand of Allah is over their hands’ Surat Al-Fath 48:10, and what is meant here is the servant of Allah Muhammad (s.a.w), for he is Allah in Creation (not literally Allah, but the representative of Allah and His divine attributes) and he is the one whom allegiance is pledged to and his hand is over the hands of those whom pledge allegiance [to him]. And His [The Exalted] saying: ‘Do they await but that Allah comes to them in shades of clouds and the angels [as well] and the matter is [then] decided And to Allah [all] matters are returned’ - Surat AlBaqarah 2:210. So the one who comes in the sha des of clouds is Muhammad (s.a.w) in the World of Raja’ (The World of Return) and with him shall be the People of his House (Ahlul Bayt) and some of the Prophets (pbut). And it is known that Muhammad is the one shaded with the clouds, and there were glad tidings given with this description in the Torah and The Gospels about the Messenger Muhammad and the Riser (Al-Qa’im) from the family of Muhammad [9]. As for what the Wahabi scholars of Jurisprudence and non-working scholars (or those who call themselves Salafis) say – in order to go out from the boundaries of embodiment and what accompanies it from Kufr (disbelief) and Shirk (associating with Allah) – that Allah The Glorified has a hand and fingers [10] which are appropriate to his Beauty and Perfection and Majesty, or like they say that He comes as He wishes... etc, all that is false and apparently they do not understand the meaning of their saying, or else they would not have said it, because their saying (with the hand and the leg and coming and looking towards Him by [one's] sight and ….) is false and Kufr (disbelief) and Shirk (associating with Allah/polytheism), whether what they intend/mean is [from a] material physical [aspect] or a spiritual [aspect] [11], or without a “how” like they say. For what they have fallen into from Kufr (disbelief) and Shirk (associating with Allah) is not only for the reason that hand which they have confirmed is described, so they exit from the boundaries of Kufr (disbelief) and Shirk (associating with Allah) by denying description from it by saying (without a “how”), nor because of the reason that the leg which they have confirmed is incomplete, so they exit from their Kufr and Shirk by confirming to it the descriptions/attributes of The Absolute Divine by saying (which is appropriate to His Perfection and Beauty). Rather, the reason for what they have fallen into from Shirk and Kufr is the same as their confirmation to the hand and the leg, no matter what descriptions or aspects they add to it. And that is because when they made to Him (swt) a hand and a leg, verily they have made Him compound/composed of parts, and everything which is composed of parts is countable, and Allah, The Indivisible, is far Exalted to be composed of parts and being counted. He, The Exalted, said: ‘Say He is Allah The One/The Indivisible’, meaning that His Essence is Indivisible and not composed of parts for Him to have a hand and a leg, Allah is Exalted and Higher than what they associate [Him with]. And [being] counted accompanies [being] composed of parts, and it is clear and obvious in its indication towards the Shirk of he whom confirms it, because it means