The Mahdi Times June 2014 | Page 31

scholars/knowledgeable Ones (The Prophets a.s and Imams a.s’ [6], for perhaps it looks similar to the speech of human beings but it is the speech of Allah and its interpretation is not similar to the interpretation of the speech of human beings, just as no one from His creation is similar to Him, as such, nothing from the works/actions of Allah (SWT/The Blessed, The Exalted) is similar to anything from the works/actions of human beings, and nothing from His speech is similar to the speech of human beings, for the speech of Allah (The Blessed, The Exalted) is His description/attribute, and the speech of humans is their actions/works. So never make the speech of Allah similar to the speech of the Humans, [or else] you will be ruined and misguided.) [7]. So the Wahabis have been deviated towards embodying [Allah] because there was no Infallible/Guardian/Imam(as) [of Allah whom they returned to], and because they have returned to their own understanding and to the non-working scholars in understanding the traditions and the Qur’an, and they have opposed The People of the House of Prophet-hood The Family of Muhammad (a.s) whom they were commanded to follow them and take [only] from them (the infallible Imams of his progeny) ‘Say, [O Muhammad], ‘I do not ask of you any reward for it but love for my near relatives/kin;.’ And whoever commits a good deed – We will increase for him good therein. Indeed, Allah is Forgiving and Appreciative.’ Surat Al-Shura 42:23 – and Love is devotion and obedience – but they have not taken from the Family of Muhammad (a.s) and have taken from those whom have opposed the Family of Muhammad (a.s). And as such, they have gone astray and those non-working scholars have deviated [the people] away and misguided them and made them fall into embodying [Allah], and saying that Allah has a leg and a face and a hand and that He is being looked towards with the eye while He is in a specific direction .. etc, based on their understanding of some of the verses in the Noble Qur’an; such as His, The Exalted, saying: ‘The Day the leg will be uncovered’ - Surat Al-Qalam 68:42 and His, The Exalted, saying: ‘(Some) faces on that day shall be bright/radiant* Looking to their Lord’ - Surat Al-Qiyamah 75:22-23. And these are false beliefs and they are so clear in their falsehood and proving their falsehood does not require effort [8]. And what is meant from these verses is that the good noble radiant/bright faces are looking towards their discipliner, and he is Muhammad (s.a.w), and as such the truth/reality of Muhammad (s.a.w his Family, 12 Imams, 12 Mahdis, and the Prophet as represented in the Bible Book of Revelatios Ch.4, vs.4) and the Family of Muhammad (a.s) becomes uncovered, therefore the oppressors are not capable to prostrate and submit for they have followed Iblis (May Allah curse him) in his refusal to prostrate ‘The Day the leg will be uncovered