The Mahdi Times June 2014 | Page 30

enter Paradise.’ [3]. The Wahabi doctrine is embodied, or the least that could be said is that their belief about the Divine requires embodiment, for they have made to Allah a hand and fingers and a leg and that He sits on the throne and … etc [2]. And their Imam Ibn Taymiyya said in the book (Al’Aqida Al-Wasitiyya): ‘and also [what] enters with what we have mentioned about believing in Him and His Books and His Angels and His Messengers, is believing that the believers will see Him on the Day of Resurrection, [they will] see Him with their eyes with their own sights, just as they see the sun shining with no clouds in it, and just as they see the moon on the night of Badr, they will not differ about/doubt seeing Him (swt) when they are in the arena of the Day of Resurrection, they will see Him after they Notice the speech of Ibn Taymiyya ‘with their eyes with their own sights’ and pay attention to the fact that seeing with the eye can not be except towards a certain direction and for that reason one of their most prominent scholars and he is Ibn Jibreen, has clarified and declared with [full] clarity that Allah is being looked towards in a [specific] direction [4]. Thus, those people, because of their wrong interpretation to some of the allegorical words in the Divine Books, they have demeaned [themselves]/gone down to this doctrinal misguidance. Ibn Taymiyya and the likes of him do not understand the Qur’an nor do they comprehend the speech of the Prophets (pbut/peace be upon them) and from them is the Messenger Muhammad (s.a.w) and they (s.a.w) speak with symbols and according to the realities of the Heavenly realms in a lot of times (I.e. Jesus, peace be upon him, parables in the gospel), just as Allah talks to His servants through Heavenly Inspiration in visions (dreams, I.e. Joseph and Daniel, peace be upon them in the Bible) [5] and Kashf ([unveiling]), and nothing is similar to Allah (swt) and His speech is not similar to the speech of human beings, [so one can not] measure/understand Allah’s (swt) words according to the words ([and meanings]) of the human beings, nor interpret His words like how one interprets the words of human beings, like those ignorant [Wahabis] whom claim Knowledge have done. Imam Ali (a.s) said: ‘… Beware of interpreting the Qur’an according to your opinion until you understand it from the