The Mahdi Times June 2014 | Page 29

Negligence in Regards to the Boundaries of Monotheism As Salaamu Alaykum wa Bismillah, The Wahabis too are negligent in regards to the boundaries of Monotheism. Excerpt from “The Book of Monotheism: The Interpretation of Surah Al Tawheed” by Imam Ahmad Al Hassan (a.s): “Wahabis join Christians, for they are also from those whom are negligent of the boundaries of Monotheism, in another aspect from their beliefs, and the least to be said about it is that they limit Allah and divide Him, and therefore, they make Him as His Creation, Far Higher and Exalted is He. So if Christians have raised a human being, and he is Jesus (a.s), until they [said that] he himself is Allah, Far Higher and Exalted is He, then the Wahabis have followed them in the same path, but they have made Allah (swt) in the category of the Creation, and described by the descriptions of the bodies, and limited and restricted by the boundaries of the Worlds of Creation, Far Higher and Exalted is Allah above all that. So, in reality, Christians have said about a human being that he is Allah and Wahabis have said about Allah that He is a human being when they described Him by the descriptions of the human being. Verily, this is the old Pagan path which is almost never absent from the human society, unfortunately [1].