The Mahdi Times June 2014 | Page 34

Ibn Jibreen and Ibn Uthaymayn and others than them from the Wahabi scholars. And look at what the Wahabi imams have written so that you may find their declaration about that Allah has a right hand and a left hand and fingers, Allah is far Higher and Exalted than what they say, and you shall find the clear straightforward embodiment [of Allah] and that Allah is in the Sky, and that it is correct to ask about Allah [using the word] “Where”, and that He is on the Throne. Verily they have limited/restricted Him by the boundaries of the created being, Allah The Glorified is Higher and Exalted than what they say {Certainly you have made an abominable thing * The heavens almost rupture therefrom and the earth splits open and the mountains collapse in devastation}[Surat Maryam 19:89-90] Review the Fatwas of Al-Albani and the Fatwas of ibn Baz and Ibn Jibreen and Ibn Uthaymayn and others from the Wahabi Scholars. [3] Ibn Taymiyya – The book of Al’Aqida Al-Wasitiyya – door (the obligation of believing in the seeing of the believer to their Lord on the Day of Resurrection, and the places of the seeing) [4] Ibn Jibreen said in one of his comments on the book Lam’it Al-’itiqad by Ibn Qidama: (And as for the seeing in the hereafter, the Sunni scholars have proven that it is an outright seeing, that the believers see Allah – The Exalted – in Paradise and visit Him, and that He talks to them and they talk to Him …. By that we have known the doctrine of Ahlul Sunnah, so do we say that they see Him in a [specific] direction? There is no doubt that they see Him from above them, and that they see Him a real seeing, and an encountering seeing as they want, and that the proofs are clear, and among the most correct of them is the saying of Jarir for he said: (Just as you see the moon on the night of Badr) or (just as you see this moon).…. For more details read in Addendum number (3). [5] Allah The Exalted said: {And the king said, “Indeed, I have seen [in a dream] seven fat cows being eaten by seven [that were] lean, and seven green spikes [of grain] and others [that were] dry. O eminent ones, explain to me my vision, if you should interpret visions”} [Surat Yusuf 12:43], and Yusuf (Joseph) interpreted the cows to mean years, and the weakness and fat to mean famine/drought and fertility. So these are the words of Allah, and His Preferred Ones are the most knowledgeable of them and they know what is meant from them, for the speech of Allah is not similar to the speech of the created beings, and Allah (swt) [even] in the most dangerous matter, and that is appointing the vicegerent of Ya’qoub (Jacob pbuh), He used symbols in His speech with Yusuf (Joseph) and Ya’qoub (Jacob) (pbut), He, The Exalted, said:{When Joseph said to his father, “O my father, indeed I have seen [in a dream] eleven planets and the sun and the moon; I saw them prostrating to me”} [Surat Yusuf 12:4]. So after this, could ibn Taymiyya and others than him dare to claim that they are capable of understanding the words of Allah and what is intended/meant from them?! [6] The Knowledgeable Ones/Scholars are Muhammad and the Family of Muhammad (pbut) and the Prophets and the Vicegerents (pbut) as has been mentioned in many traditions.