The Mahdi Times June 2014 | Page 17

ISIS Aggressively Recruiting Child Soldiers by Laila Ali It is harrowing to see such dark images. Children dressed up as soldiers, training to be killers. To us, Westerners, this is shocking, however to many children in the Middle East this is the only option. A lot of these children join ISIS/FSA under the promise of an education and schooling, something we in the West do not even have to think tw ice about attaining. For some of them, this is their only option. Some of these children are used as suicide bombers, front liners and even snipers. Personally, I believe this shows the true merciless and devilish nature of ISIS/FSA. Anyone who even considers joining these barbaric savages needs to take a long, hard look at what they are doing. In this war, they have neither spared women nor children. Women they brainwash into becoming sex Jihadists and children they brainwash into becoming Jihadists. Do you still doubt that this is the Accursed Army of Sufyani (l.a)?