The Mahdi Times June 2014 | Page 16

situations of enjoining what is right and forbidding what is evil. Anyway, may Allah swt grant you success, from the best ways available for the woman today, in giving victory to the truth is the media, through the internet or any technological device available, where she can deliver the truth to the people, to guide them and save them. And this way was taken by Fatima (a.s). And Zaynab (as) Khadijah (a.s), Asia (a.s), and Maryam (a.s) and you have in the best women in the world a fine example. So follow their pure and blessed path, that Allah swt may have mercy upon you and blesses you as he blessed them and had mercy on them may Allah's blessings be upon them, And may the peace, mercy and blessings of Allah be on you.” Ahmad Al Hassan ; Safar 1433 A.H. ?t=12975 Can you see the difference between our leader, the Yamani (a.s) and theirs? The standard is much higher and the Yamani (a.s) here reminds us, as women to look towards the example of the Righteous Women before us and follow in their footsteps. They were shining examples of dignity and honour for us. There are some women who have taken a stand against ISIS and Jihad-un-Nikkah. They have taken up arms for protection against such barbarism, which is beautiful to see. Not every woman is a doormat or helpless against thugs with guns if she stands up for her rights and protects herself By Any Means Necessary. We must remember that injustice anywhere is injustice everywhere. These women, even though some of them are voluntarily handing themselves over for this backward practice do not understand that is not Islamic. They require help and guidance as they are victims of misinformation. It is our duty to help them. So let us not throw them to the wolves, let’s talk about this and help build awareness of it. The biggest mistake we can make right now is to think that this is a taboo topic, too risqué to talk about because while we are battling our inner struggle of whether we should speak out or not, someone’s daughter or sister is going off to either get abused or catch STD/STI or get pregnant with an illegitimate child – worse still all of the above.